Chapter 10

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The flight itself was pretty boring, but it made me realize how tired I was. Although it was short, 25 minutes to be exact, I sleep through it like a baby. Abdul woke me up when we landed, thankfully. We got off the plane and walked into the airport, which was packed with so many people, it was almost impossible to manage our way through the crowd. We finally managed to make it to a secluded and we all held hands and Cody teleported us to a hotel nearby, which he had seen on the brochures in the plane. We appeared at the entrance. The hotel looked impressive enough. Tall and wide with many windows, which meant many rooms. We walked in and Cody went to order some rooms for us. He came back five minutes later with the bellhop.

    “Right this way, please.” The bellboy said, pointing towards the elevator. We walked into the elevator, which was made of glass so we could see us going higher and higher. The bellhop clicked on the button for the top floor and we were on our way. The elevator opened right into a living room. I walked out and looked around the place, confused as the next person.

    “I got us the penthouse suite, I don’t know how long we’re staying here for.” Cody said. I looked at him with the look of admiration for his thought for this. The bellhop gave us the tour of the place, which was huge. There were 4 bedrooms and 6 of us, so we split up appropriately. Kiara, being the only girl, got her own room, and Cody, having paid for all of this, got his own room as well. Abdul and I shared one and Ben and Matt shared the other. We got into our rooms and saw bags of clothes on our respective beds. I walked back out and asked the bellhop if any guest that had previously been hear left some stuff.

    “No sir, Mr. Brooks called ahead and asked for us to do some shopping for you guys. Said you were coming with light luggage. He obviously wasn’t kidding.” The bellhop said, replying to my question. I nodded my thanks and walked back into my room. Cody was a very generous kid, something you don’t see with rich kids usually. Then I realized Cody hadn’t said much about his parents, even when we were at his house. I would have assumed that they were at work, but there were three cars in the driveway when we got there. Maybe they were for him, since he was super rich. I closed my bedroom door and asked Abdul about.

    “Where do you think his parents are?” I asked him.

    “I don’t know man, just don’t bring it up.” Abdul said,

    “Rich kids usually don’t have a relationship with their parents because they’re always busy. We don’t wanna anger him and then he stops spending his money on us.”

    We laughed, fist bumped and laid on our beds. I drifted off to sleep thinking about Cody and his life as a Brooks. I woke up two hours later to an dark empty room. I heard noise outside the room and I walked out. Everyone was sitting, eating, without me!

    “Why didn’t you guys wake me up?” I asked as I joined them.

    “You looked so cute and comfortable, we didn’t wanna wake you.” Kiara replied with a wink. I ignored her and grabbed a big juicy cheese burger. I took a bite into it and closed my eyes in deep thought of the deliciousness. A sound escaped me and the others laughed.

    “You might have changed on the outside, but you’re still fat on the inside.” Abdul said in the middle of a laugh.

    “Fuck you man.” I replied and kept eating. I was used to them making jokes about my weight, it didn’t really affect me anymore, especially now since I was ripped.

    “Where are your parents Cody?” I asked after a couple minutes of silence. Abdul punched me in the arm and gave me a look that basically said ‘what the fuck dude’.

    “Nah, it’s all good Abdul.” Cody said, smiling,

    “They’re on a business trip in Singapore. Don’t ask me what they’re doing there, I can’t lie to you.” I knew he lied to me because his heart skipped a beat when he said they were on a business trip. Why would he lie though?

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now