Chapter 18

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This time they woke me up at 6:00 AM. What the shit? The servant didn't bother remove the sheets, she had learned that the hard way. Hehe. She told me breakfast was at 6:30 and school started at 7:00. I groaned and got out of bed as she left the room. I took a shower and put on my sweatpants and my hoodie. Underneath it I wore a pair of shorts and a white undershirt just in case. I went down for dinner and it was only my training group that was down there.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, taking a seat.

"They still schleep." Josh said.

"So why are we up so early?" I asked.

"Different training groups have different times they start school." Elsa said.

"Our covens way of trying to make it feel like a normal school." Chloe said.

"Why the fuck do we have the earliest start?" I asked, very annoyed at whoever came up with this shit.

"We're the oldest training group." Christy said.

"It's okay though. Three weeks and we finish and join the real world." Angel said. We ate in silence as I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was up at this ungodly hour.

"So where will you guys be going after training is over?" I asked them, cutting the silence.

"College in late August." Christy said. Elsa nodded along with her. She would be doing the same thing.

"I'm taking a year off the travel the world." Angel said.

"College. I have a basketball scholarship waiting for me at Duke." Josh said.

"What if you're the prodigy?" I asked.

"Ima still go." He said matter of factly.

"Ima stay back either as the prodigy or the temporary prodigy when he goes." Chloe said. That sucked. She was second place, meaning her life was basically being controlled by Josh's actions. I looked over at Ericka and she was in her food, eating her fifth slice of toast. She felt our eyes on her and she froze mid bite and her eyes got super big. I chuckled at how awkward she was. She never said a word, but when she did, everyone listened.

"You're just gonna keep eating after training?" I asked with a chuckle. Her eyes moved around the table and she finally put her piece of toast down and spoke.

"I'm going to college in January." She said. I waited to hear what she would do in the meantime and she had no plans of answering that. She went back to her toast, which was the only thing I had ever seen her look at with such happiness and love.

"Shit, it's 6:50!!" Josh yelled. They all got up from their chairs and ran outside. I followed after them, confused as fuck. We piled in the SUV and Christy took off.

"What's the deal? What happens when you're late?" I asked.

"Punishment." Angel said.

"No shit." I said,

"But like what?"

"Teachers choice." Elsa said with a little fear in her voice.

Christy took a hard right and the van went on two wheels. It was about to flip over, then Chloe raised her hands and it straightened again. That was fucking dope! We got at the training grounds at 6:59. Everyone flew out of the car and took off towards a field. It was huge! At the end of it was a building. I was guessing that was the school. I started running as well, wondering how we were gonna make it there on time. Josh got there fast with me right behind him. It's 7:01. I guess my questions were gonna be answered.

The Creed Chronicles #1: The Hybrid PackWhere stories live. Discover now