Chapter 9- It's A Date

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Chapter 9- It's A Date

Kim's POV

I'm sitting in English class, bored out of my mind. No Asher to make me laugh, no Katie to chit chat with. Only Spencer to stare at. Lucky me, I sit one row away from him, but one seat behind. So he doesn't know I'm looking at him like a creepy stalker. I stare at the clock, counting down the last two minutes of class.

"Alright class. Tonight you're to finish your reports about Charles Dickens. At least six pages, all facts, and everything must be cited!" Mr. Bass ordered, reminding those foolish people that they indeed need to cite their papers. Amateurs.

Everyone in the room groans unpleasantly. I smile to myself, pleased that I have already finished my essay. I think I did an exemplary job, if I do say so myself. I even went above and beyond and wrote eight and a half pages. Everyone else has probably not even started it yet. I start gathering my books while watching the clock, counting down the last thirty seconds. I take another look at Spencer, watching him packing his bag away.

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

The second I hear the bell ring, I jump out of my seat, heading to the door. English is my favorite subject, but it's the most stressful subject, "Finish Mr. B's paper yet?" A husky voice asked me from behind.

Turning around smiling, Spencer approached, talking to me! Me, of all people! My heart thumps against my chest and my stomach flutters with butterflies. "Oh, uh yeah, I did! You?" I babble.

"I knew you would." He comments with a little side chuckle, "I'm getting there. It's a pain in the ass." We both laugh lightly as Spencer follows me to my locker. He leans against the other lockers, just like Asher does when he talks to me, I observe, as I start spinning the combination for my locker.

"I understand, some essays can be tricky. Last week, I spent five hours in front of my laptop typing out the significance of Napoleon," I frown, as I put my books away and exchange them for others. "History is tough to write because after you have all the facts and stories explained there's not much else to say. Whereas, in stories we read in English, you can talk about experiences, connections, opinions, essential thoughts-" I stop talking when I catch Spencer staring at me intently with his mouth slightly ajar. Nerd alert. Asher's voice sings in my head in warning. I blush shaking my head at my stupid rambling, "Sorry, I sound boring and nerdy." I admit, tucking my hair behind my ear.

You can take away the glasses, braces, frizzy hair and seventeen extra pounds but you can't take the knowledge of a nerd away. Sometimes being smart comes with its challenges, like not being able to talk properly to a guy or hold a real and entertaining conversation.

"No, no, not boring at all; just really interested in what you have to say. You're totally right. I like the way you think; very similar to what I believe." Spencer admits, trying to assure me that I didn't screw things up. I'm only slightly relieved.

I grin, closing my locker as I hold my text books tightly against my chest for my next classes, "It's just once I get talking I just completely start to ramble off all my thoughts and it doesn't help when I'm nervous and some people benignly remind me of these things so it doesn't happen but then it does happen and then if you don't stop me I'll just ramble off on a totally different subject and then that leads to-"

"Leads to what you're doing right now?" Spencer interrupts with a laugh of amusement. I don't mind though. I grin, nodding my head without saying a word in case I go off again. "It's not a bad thing. It's... enamoring."

My eyes widen at his choice of words, flattered as well, "I'm impressed. That's a very interesting adjective. You use that with all the girls." I banter, as we walk the halls together.

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