Curtains Drawn

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Derek POV

Rounding up the pups wasn't hard that night, they all wanted to be close to one another, trying to pile in as close to each other as they could just for the comfort of having pack near.

Each of their parents had been in during the day and there had been a lot of tears when they figured out this may be the last time they see one another.

The act of having to say goodbye just in case this didn't work really sent the message to home to how close we were cutting it this time.

It wasn't as easy as go out, fight the bad guy, get a little bloody and come home sleep for a day or two – the biggest problem trying to come up with excuses for the pups going missing for a few nights.

If this didn't work...

Looking at the mound of fur sat between Melissa and John's feet -who were muttering quietly to one another occasionally glancing down at the pups- and the fleeting couple in kitchen talking to the emissary I couldn't help but think that even if this didn't work tonight, I would have at least fulfilled the only thing I wanted since the fire, the one guilty pleasure I thought I could never indulge in.

Id made a family.

Looking on these people I realised I loved each and everyone of them and couldn't believe that it had taken me up until this point to realise that.

If I had to die for these people, I would.

And I'd die a happy man.

"Der?" Stiles nuzzled under my chin, I hadn't even noticed he's existed the nest the others had made "Are you okay?"he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Bumping my nose against his I replied "More than okay"

The fact that I was with my mate, even if only for a little while, meant that I knew if it did all end tonight, Id die a happy man.

No character POV

When they got to clearing, the pups were volatile and shaking with unease, their last encounter in the glade still leaving them hesitant and untrusting of the environment surrounding them.

The moon was high on the western side of the clearing illuminate half the field where Alex began to set up a circle of white crystals followed by a pentagram inside it with different coloured crystals; yellow, blue, red, green and purple.

As she carried on chanting under her breath, Stiles chased after her with a little basket in his mouth carrying the crystals along with an assortment of candles and other magic materials for her.

The litter of pups were safely encircled along with the tonics that would be being their saviours or the sign of their destruction.

The three remaining formed a protective triangle around the circle, Owen shifted into his Kanima form whilst the sheriff and Melissa were armed with guns packing wolfsbane bullets.

John had tried to teach Melissa how to use the weapon she was presented with the day before but Melissa had took over pointing the gun at the cans at the other end of the yard before emptying the clip and managing to hit every can.

She'd shrugged and stated how she was married to an Agent for 6 years before holstering the gun and walking back into the house, not seeing the proud smirk the sheriff threw her way.

"Well, well, well... What do we have here" a cynical voice purred from the tree line, where all eyes turned to meet the opposing pair.

A pair of aluminous yellow eyes in the darkness.

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