The End

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The creature had barely finished it's dramatic vow before Owen was diving at it clawing at it blow after blow, but for every strike he managed to land the witch struck back proving itself an even match for the Kanima.

All the while Owen was tussling with the horned beast Alex was chanting, Melissa helping to light the remaining candles and the sheriff was picking up the vials, glancing over his shoulder every other second to monitor the situation.

Owen's efforts were becoming more futile as his venom seemed useless against the creature, the speed of his attacks slowing but he was buying time for Alex to finish her spell and that's all that mattered.

But it was in vain as more women, around 13 of them all sheathed in red as though it was their armour, emerged from the depth of the forest.

Boyd was the first to be given his cure, undergoing what seemed to be a rather relieving procedure as his change took place, stretching his muscles before running to were Melissa had readily prepared sweat pants and t-shirts for the sparsely clad teens.

Those who followed next were Isaac, Erica and Danny who once they had received their clothes, ran to join the fight, Danny picking up his ring daggers that he had abandoned the month prior in there previous fight.

Despite their efforts they were still outnumbered almost three to one and the transformation took a toll on the teens bodies leaving there reactions slower and them themselves clumsier as they hadn't walked on two legs in four weeks.

Melissa was about to abandon her station in helping Alex to assist her skills in the fight just as an arrow came zipping through the air skewering one of the witches right shoulder. Another shot was fired and the sources seemed to be from a tree top from whence the witches came.

One or two of them went to attack their shooter but where blocked by an invisible barrier and as such rebounded as though there was a wall they couldn't break through.

Then the moonlight shifted, illuminating a grey haired man with ice blue eyes smirking down at the witches; a compound bow aimed with purpose in his steady hands and below him standing at the base of the tree holding what could only be mountain ash was a bald, dark skinned man with a black goatee with a small smile on his face at defying the creatures before him.

Chris called to his daughter once she had finished the transformation and gained stability over her new found ability to walk on two legs again and fired a grapple hook gun toward the lower part of the tree near to her which he promptly sent her a quiver of arrows down and her favourite bow.

He then continued to fire at the women who got too close the circle where Alex was giving the cure to the last remaining members of the pack.

There were just Stiles and Derek left once Scott began his transformation, but time was running out and the moon was almost at completely covered by red – almost at the point where in there would be no return for those unchanged.

And of course it was at that point that Alex was struck by Isaac being thrown into her, the two remaining vials being thrown the floor.
Melissa, John and Alex scrambled for the vials that began to roll away... toward the revenge driven fiend.

Alex sat up suddenly, face turning bleak as she reached out a hand toward the witch reaching down for the vials, it's webbed fingers almost within grasping distance.

The crackle caused a sound of alarm to rise from the remaining witches in the clearing as a shot of pure blue energy blasted from Alex's open palm straight into the chest of the creature in front of her.

There were cries of shock and panic as the green horned beast was sent tumbling backwards to where it then laid motionless, smoke rising from the black mess made in it's chest.

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