Dreams of the Chosen One

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*Rey saw him. She saw a flashback: Anakin killing younglings, padawans, knights, and masters. Anakin fighting Obi-Wan on a fiery planet. Anakin kissing a woman behind a pillar. She saw him talking with a man that looked like her. Then she saw a man rising up on an operation table, although something in her mind said that was Anakin.*

She woke up with a start. Was that possibly what happens to Anakin? If so, will that happen if they change the past, or will their messing with the past result in a far worse future?

Then she saw a glowing blue face that wasn't Anakin. "I see that you saw what happened to my old padawan. Yes, his future isn't very bright. I am Obi-Wan, and I am here to tell you that Anakin must NOT be allowed to fall in love with that woman you saw. The reason he turns to the Dark Side is because he has dreams of her dying, so he turns thinking he will find a way to save her. I know that in doing so Luke, Leia and Ben won't exist, but that's a chance you have to take."

Rey's eyes went wide in horror. "Never!" She hissed. "I'd rather die than do that!" "If you don't, it might fix the timeline so that it cannot be changed," Obi-Wan countered. "But Ben and Leia, Luke, they'll die," she argued. "Dying isn't the same as never being born," the Force ghost explained. Suddenly the hum of a lightsaber could be heard as she swung the cerulean blade at the spectre making him fade away.

She deactivated her saber, huffing as she did and stood in her darkened room. Rey was now conflicted. She had two choices: let time play out as it did before with a few noticeable changes, or stop Anakin and the woman's love from sprouting therefore making Luke, Leia and Ben disappear forever.

"What am I gonna do?" Rey groaned as she fell back on the bed exasperated.

This really has not been Rey's day today. May the Force be with her. She's going to need it.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. All credit goes to the people at LucasFilm.

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