Everyone Wants to Rule the World

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*Anakin was standing in front of the woman again, this time he was choking her using the Invisible Hand. Anakin was slaughtering Tusken Raiders. He said he wanted to be more than what he was.

Anakin was standing on a platform hovering over the lava river bank. He was being put into his Force-forsaken suit. He stood with Palpatine watching the construction of the Death Star. He was having nightmares about the woman's death.

Anakin was talking with Obi-Wan about something treasonous. Anakin stood in front of the Jedi Council. He was with the woman again but this time he was kissing her. Anakin was talking with Palpatine. He was fighting Obi-Wan on Mustufar.*

Luke woke up with a start. He was in his bedroom at the Jedi Temple covered in sweat. Was this his father three years from now? One thing is for sure though: Anakin pulled off the long hair better than he did.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Luke sighed. To his surprise, Anakin walked in. "You OK? I heard you down the hall." Luke nodded. "Are you sure? I heard you screaming; calling out to your father." Anakin said with spiked curiosity.

"I'm all right, it was just a... Bad dream." Anakin quirked an eyebrow. "You sure, because I know bad dreams and that sounded like something worse."

Luke scoffed at Anakin. "You're trying to get answers out of me and I told you already that I won't reveal anything about my colleagues and my past until the Force wills it!" Anakin was taken aback by the way Luke spoke, then he lowered his head.

Luke realized that he was a little bit harsh and so he decided to give Anakin a small consolation. "I may not be able to tell you everything, but I can say a few things!"

Anakin quickly lifted his head, ears perked. "So the Sith Lord within the Senate is called Darth Sidious. He is posing as a high government official. He is also very close with my father who doesn't know about him yet." "Do you know how to locate this Sith Lord? Is there a way for you to get into contact with your father; warn him somehow?" Anakin asked worriedly.

"I don't know," Luke lied. "The Force hasn't led us that far yet."

It takes Anakin a moment to process the information he was getting. He still couldn't believe there was a Sith in the Senate. Anakin made a mental note to keep an eye out for the Sith Lord, and find and protect Luke's father from the Sith.

If only Anakin knew the truth... If  only...
Disclaimer: I don't own the original Star Wars... Anything.

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