Back At the Jedi Temple

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All Rey could remember was crash landing on the front steps of the Jedi Temple... In Coruscant! She blacked out before she could really see anything, but when she woke up she was in the med wing along with her companions.

The room was very bright that she had to close her eyes and reopen them slowly. She could barely make out two figures standing over her. One of them had shoulder length ginger hair, and the other had vaguely familiar short, spiky hair that was dark blonde.

When her eyesight fully cleared she came face-to-face with Anakin Skywalker! "Anakin? What's going on? Why do you have a braid? Nevermind--" she was cut off. "How do you know me?" Anakin asked. Rey looked sarcastic for a minute, then she looked around and asked, "Uh, when am I?" "22 BBY, why?" Anakin asked.

At this point Finn and Poe started to come too. Rey looked across the room to see Finn and Poe wake up in their beds. "What happened?" Poe asked. Rey quickly jumped out of her bed only to have her head start throbbing in pain.

Anakin gently pushed her back down onto the bed. "Easy, the healer said that you would still have a sore head!" Rey reluctantly fell back on the bed. "Now, who are you people?" Anakin asked. "Rey, Rey Palpatine!" Rey said before she could stop herself.

Crap! Why did she tell them her last name? The repercussions of the Jedi knowing she's related to him could be catastrophic. And yet...

Maybe it's because I trust Anakin so much. Hell, he's the one who told me who my grandfather was in the first place. Rey thought.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Finn and Poe looked amazed. "Wait, you're the granddaughter of Emperor Palp-- oh yeah, I just told Finn this a minut--" Poe was cut off by Finn covering his mouth. Rey sent a thank you towards Finn via the Force. Finn nodded at her secretly saying he got it.

"Where's Luke?" Rey asked as reality hit her again. "Rey, I am right here, so calm down!" Luke gently yet sternly said. "Wait, wait, you said that your last name was Palpatine?" Anakin asked still not fully understanding.

"Uh, Padawan, I think that we should take them to the Council to share some light on the subject." Obi-Wan suggested. At that moment Ben and Chewie came as well. Rey spoke up, "Yes, we would very much like to meet this Jedi Council. When can we see them?..."
Disclaimer: I don't own a thing.

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