High Speed Chase

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Ben, Finn, and Poe were playing a holographic game on the table. It was obvious that they were bored. "I win, again! Whoohoo!" Poe groaned in mock enthusiasm.

Ben sighed sharply. "Ugh, will this stupid assassin hurry up and attempt to kill Padmé already? I am freaking hungry, but no, I have to stay at my post!" "Amen, brother!" Finn agreed.

Then to legitimately say the boys felt the same, they all took out their lightsabers and ignited them, making them clash together. Anakin rolled his eyes. "So, you want the assassin to kill Padmé?"

Rey sneered. "I wouldn't mind!" Anakin looked over at her questioningly. "What is your deal, Rey? Ever since we got caught by Obi-Wan, you have acted different. Padmé never did anything to you."

Rey sighed apologetically. "I know that I have been acting different, and I'm sorry!" Anakin relaxed his face. "What about Padmé?" Rey scoffed.

She took a seat next to Ben and rested her head on his shoulder. Ben put a brotherly arm around her. Anakin immediately felt a twinge of anger and jealousy.

"You two are together?" Anakin asked bitterly. Rey lifted her head and smirked. "Why, you jealous?"

Their conversation was cut short by Luke and Obi-Wan walking in. "Captain Typho has the security locked down there. I don't think the assassin will try that way. What is going on, I can't see anything?" Obi-Wan asked.

Anakin laughed to himself. Rey walked up to them as Luke went to sit down. "She covered the cameras, I guess that she didn't like that I was watching her instead of Anakin!" Rey laughed bitterly.

Obi-Wan ignored that last remark. "What is she thinking?" "Easy, she wants to get herself killed which is fine by me!" Rey retorted. "You don't like politicians, do you?" Anakin asked Rey.

Rey sighed sharply. "Anakin, I do like politicians, I just have a select few that I am fond of. Example: Master Luke's sister Leia Organa-Starkiller! Oops! The point is: politicians are conniving and deceitful; they're not to be trusted."

"Not all politicians are conniving. Besides your generalizing, your grandfather doesn't seem to be corrupt!" Rey smiled sadly. "There is a lot about Palpatine that you don't know. Plus, he's a politician who is, most definitely, not to be trusted."

Anakin didn't back down. "Well maybe you had--" he cut himself off when he sensed danger. "We sense it too!" Obi-Wan stated.

They all rushed towards Padmé's room. Rey and Anakin ignited their lightsabers, just as the lightsabers made contact with two worm-like creatures. Padmé sat upright in her bed. Obi-Wan saw the droid in the window and bolted through the window, grabbing the droid.

"Stay here!" Rey shouted. Padmé gasped. "You think?" Rey rolled her eyes, got up, and ran out of the room with Anakin, Luke, Ben, Finn, and Poe following close behind.

Rey hopped into the driver's seat of a yellow speeder. Anakin grudgingly hopped into the passengers seat. They started up the speeder, and followed the droid. Luke and Ben, Finn and Poe hopped into their speeders and followed the yellow speeder.

The droid was heading towards a green speeder with a woman standing next to it. Obi-Wan saw the woman get out a sniper blaster and shoot down the droid. Obi-Wan fell to the ground below.

Zam(the bounty hunter) got in the speeder and drove off. Rey drove underneath Obi-Wan, and he landed in between Rey and Anakin. "What took you so long?" Obi-Wan yelled. "Oh, you know, Master... Rey and I couldn't find a speeder that we really liked! With the right speed capabilities, and let's not forget the COLOR! What do you think we've been doing?" Anakin shouted.

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