Meditation, Meditation, Meditation

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After the events that went down in the Room of A Thousand Fountains, Rey has been feeling a whole swell of emotions regarding Anakin. For weeks her mind has been plagued by different thoughts and emotions that had never felt before. Rey tried to push these feelings down, but they just came back twice as strong like an Inthoryian Hydra (AN: totally made that up). So as a result, she decided to do some meditation to release these feelings into the Force.

She sat in the middle of her room, cross-legged with her eyes closed. She steadied her breathing and reached out with the Force. When she opened her eyes again, she was in a massive, green meadow that stretched as far as the eye could see. She was standing on a small hill that looked out over what seemed to be the entire field.

Then she closed her eyes again, slowly inhaling and exhaling as she did. When she reopened her eyes again, she could see farther out beyond the meadow. She could the rivers and the streams that fed into grand lakes humming with energy from the Force. Beyond that she could see the largest lake feeding into a rushing river that also fed into a delta, breaking off into the ocean.

Far off into the distance she saw a cliff near the delta and the cliff appeared to have its own waterfall cascading down the rocks into the small river below. When she saw the cliff immediately her eyes snapped open and she was breathing heavy. Looks like the Force wants her to go to that waterfall.


She walked for what seemed like forever, using the Force as her guide. As she traveled, the terrain all around her began to change. The meadow she had been in seemed to fade away into a dense forest with a dark canopy that almost blocked out the sun. That's when she heard it. The sound of someone whispering to her.

Rey! a voice called out.

She looked around searching for whoever called out to her. However, when she found nothing she continued to walk down the pathway. Then, she she heard it again.

Rey, open yourself up.

Rey paused and looked around once more. She shook her heard, "No... You're not real."

Aren't I? the voice replied.

Rey jumped as the distorted and wispy voice of the mysterious entity became clear and deep.

Let me in. It said. Let me help you.

A sudden chill ran down her spine and the humid air around her became a frosty mist. She rubbed her shoulders frantically, trying to warm herself up to no avail. All at once, the forest was filled with the eerie sound of laughter that dug itself into every fiber of her being. This caused a pit to form in her stomach with an immense wave of fear constantly filling.

As carefully and calmly as she could muster, she grabbed her lightsaber from where it hung on her belt and held it in her hand, not yet wanting to ignite the cerulean blade. "Who the hell are you?" she breathed.

A friend. It answered coolly.

She scoffed. "Lies."

In response the mysterious voice released a sinister cackle that echoed from the canopy of the forest.

Come to me, Rey. the voice implored. Join the dark side!

That's when Rey finally ignited her blade and got into a defensive position. "No!" she yelled. "I may be the granddaughter of the Emperor, but I will never become a Sith; I'll never turn to the dark side!"


And then...

Then you have condemned yourself to the same fate as Skywalker and his descendants. the voice sighed.

"I'd rather die a Jedi than live forever enslaved by a weak deity."

As soon as those left her mouth, a loud, almost demonic, roar breached the canopy of the forest in the form of a howling wind, knocking Rey off her feet and uprooting the trees and turning them to ash. Rey picked herself up off the ground and ran and the trees behind her crumbled into nothing and the earth beneath her started to crackle and split apart. She ran and ran as fast as she could for what seemed like an eternity, only looking back once when she saw the forest on fire and a great shadow flying over the ruined terrain.

She picked up the pace and rushed through the remaining forest at lightning speed, not daring to look back again out of fear of what she might see. Eventually, she saw a spot of light signalling that she was almost clear of the forest. This gave her renewed strength as sprinted at high speed towards freedom; towards the light.

Of course that's when the trees around her started caving in on her trying block her path. With a look of determination, she reignited her weapon and began slashing and hacking through the threshold of branches and leaves. She leaped over logs and rocks and crevasses that suddenly appeared before her, not caring if she got scratched in the process. She kept going until she neared the end of the forest that led back to the meadow. The branches of the final trees began entwining with each other to close the exit as another root lifted itself up and tripped her making her fall.

You cannot run from me! the voice screamed. I am part of you; I flow through your blood.

She grunted as she rose to her feet once again and started to run towards the exit, which was rapidly closing still. She sprinted faster and harder, and with a determined yell, she broke through the barrier and into the meadow. She broke through with such force (no pun intended) that she started rolling downhill, flipping and spinning out of control until she landed face first into a small pool of water.

Suddenly, she was back in her room collapsed on the floor, eyes widen and breathing heavily in her quarters. She sat up quickly and took in her surroundings. When she deemed that she was relatively safe she relaxed her shoulders and leaned back against her bed and tried to steady her breathing.

Her mind churned with thoughts about that place and what had occurred. Well, she thought, at least I'm no longer worried about Anakin. Then she slumped her shoulders again as she groaned in exasperation. Apparently the meditation hadn't worked at all if she still remembers the reason why she needed to meditate.

Damn it!

To Be Continued...

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