I've Fallen in Love & I Can't Get Up

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Rey broke the kiss realizing what she had done. Luke was right, she was falling in love with Anakin... Luke's FATHER! At this rate, Rey is going to be the mother of Luke and Leia. "No! I shouldn't have done that!" Rey gasped.

Anakin looked frustrated. "Why do you keep denying that you love me?" Rey sighed sharply. She noticed that his hand was still on her back, touching it. "Anakin, please, don't make me do this?" Rey was in tears, begging, pleading with him not to do this.

Anakin saw the reason why she was so worried. He looked into her mind and saw that she was once... A SLAVE! Anakin was shocked at who owned her before Unkar Plutt... Gardulla the Hutt. She was his slave girl.

"I... I never knew! I'm sorry!" Anakin sighed. They looked back at the lake in silence. "You know, I could really use a good stroll through the meadow. You wanna come with me?" Rey suggested.

Anakin gave a small smile. "Sure!" Rey smiled at him, and walked towards her room to change into her meadow dress.

When she came back out she saw that Anakin had taken off his cloak. Anakin was astonished by the way Rey carried herself. She was as strong as in his dreams.

She wore a beautiful purple laced dress with purple strapped heels. Her hair was a cross braided bun. Anakin smiled. "Well, you're dressing like we're going on a date... Which I wouldn't have a problem with!"

Rey rolled her eyes and walked towards the door to go to the meadow. She turned back to say this to Anakin, "Oh, can you please try not to look at my butt, for once? I'm a good girl!"

She turned towards the door again and walked away. Anakin was standing there "eyeing her up and down". "Stop it!" She turned back and shrieked causing him to laugh.

With that the two Padawans walked away together towards the meadow. This day for them is going to be fun.


They sat on the grass in silence. Finally, Anakin just couldn't take it anymore. "So who was your first boyfriend?" Rey's head shot up. "What?" He smiled kindly. "You heard me!"

Rey sighed. "I had a crush on Finn!" Anakin had his mouth open searching for words. Actually, he looked sad. Rey smiled. "Actually though, I have a crush on this new guy that I met: dark blonde hair, blue eyes, very cute!"

Anakin smirked and looked at her. "I think that he likes you too!" They both smiled.

Anakin was standing on an animal in the meadow trying to ride it. "Whoa, whoa, easy, easy!" Rey was up on the hill watching him mess around. She laughed at him loudly.

"If you fall, I am gonna laugh at you so hard!" Rey declared. Anakin scoffed. "OK, let's test that theory!"

Anakin got distracted at the wrong time, because right after he said that, the animal he was riding launched Anakin forward, making him fall. Rey instantly stopped laughing and ran down the hill towards an unmoving Anakin.

"Anakin! Are you alright? Say something!" Rey rolled Anakin over to find him laughing at her. "I'm OK!" She slapped him on the shoulder playfully. They both laughed and rolled down the hill.

These two certainly are having fun today.

Let's see how our other team is doing though... Across the galaxy.

Next stop: Kamino!

Here is Rey's hairstyle and dress:

Rey's dress:

Rey's hairstyle:

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Rey's hairstyle:

Rey's hairstyle:

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Rey's heels:

Rey's heels:

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