Kamino Saber Dart

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The gang walked into the club side-by-side. "Where could he be?" Obi-Wan asked. "Master, I think he is a she, and I think she is a Changeling!" Anakin stated. Obi-Wan nodded his head in consideration. "In that case, be extra careful."

"Alright! Anakin, Rey, and Poe go left; and Luke, Ben, and Finn go right. Look around and try to find her," Obi-Wan commanded. The group started to split up into the two groups they were assigned.

Anakin saw Obi-Wan heading towards the bar. "Where are you going, Master?" Obi-Wan turned back and smirked. "To get a drink!" With that Obi-Wan disappeared in the crowd.

Anakin turned back to catch up with his team. While Anakin, Rey, and Poe were looking around, a man they were passing by grabbed Rey's arm. "What's the hurry?" The man growled.

A few more men had gathered around her. "Please, let me through!" Rey's voice was shaky. Anakin and Poe were long gone, until they started to head back to where they were before because they realized Rey wasn't with THEM!

The man that grabbed her arm tried to push her on the table, wasn't successful. "Oi!" Rey yelled. She kicked the man in the crotch(she's gotten pretty good at that). The other men lunged at her. Rey used the Force to knock three of them against the wall.

By the time Anakin and Poe got there all the men that were trying assault her were groaning on the floor. When one tried to get up she kicked him back down. She looked up and saw the boys standing there in shock. She smirked.

"Nice of you to drop in!" Rey joked. "OK, that was AWESOME... In a really scary way!" Poe exclaimed. Anakin nodded in agreement. They all shared a laugh. Anakin smiled at her the entire time. Rey spared a glance towards him.

Then they heard the sound of a lightsaber igniting, and a woman's screams. They ran towards the sound, and met up with Ben, Finn, and Luke along the way, which meant that Obi-Wan found the killer. The six Jedi got there in time enough to help pick Zam up off of the ground.

Ben and Obi-Wan carried her out of the club. While they walked the got a lot of eyes. "Easy, Jedi business, go back to your drinks!" Anakin said.

They all walked out of the club, and into an alleyway. Obi-Wan set Zam down. "Do you know who it was that you were trying to kill?" Obi-Wan asked calmly. "It was the senator from Naboo!" Zam growled. "And who hired you?" Obi-Wan questioned. "It's just a job!" Zam stated.

Anakin intervened. "Who hired you, tell us?" Zam remained quiet. "Tell us NOW!" Anakin shouted angrily. She relented. "It was bounty hunter called... *Gagging*... Reshanin... Sleemo!" Zam was shot with a toxic dart.

They all looked up to see a man in Mandalorian armor fly away in his jetpack. Obi-Wan pulled the dart out of Zam's dead body, and examined it. "It's a toxic dart!" He stated the obvious... Again.

Rey sighed. "Well, we'd better report back to the Jedi Council."
Obi-Wan nodded. "Come on, let's go!"
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, whatsoever! Capeech? OK, good!

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