Assassination Attempts

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Rey woke up feeling a warm presence next to her. She lifted her head off of... Anakin's chest! Oh this was not good. Obi-Wan, Ben and Luke were going to kill them.

Rey tried to dettangle herself from Anakin's embrace but was met with fierce resistance. She sighed in defeat and laid back down. "You trying to leave?" came his mumbled response. Rey sighed on his shoulder. "How could I leave when you're the one in my bedroom. Plus, your arms wouldn't let me."

Anakin smirked and started to tickle her. She burst out laughing. He chuckled at her useless attempts to free herself from his grasp. Then when he finally stopped tickling her is when the fun all went bad.

Obi-Wan burst through the door to see two breathless teens smiling at each other. "Anakin! What do you think you're doing?" Anakin groaned and facepalm. Rey dropped her head ashamed.

"I was thinking that I had a nightmare about my mom, and I needed comfort! Turns out so did she." Anakin sassed. Obi-Wan glared daggers at him. "I'm very disappointed in you!" Rey interfered. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, WHOA! The other day I kicked him in the crotch for judo flipping me, I think I can handle myself!"

Anakin nodded, then realized what she had actually said. "Hey!" She rolled her eyes and shoved him off the bed. "Typical!"

She got up and walked out. The fact that Obi-Wan thought she would do such a thing was just a whole lot of mess. Obi-Wan dragged Anakin out by his braid.

Rey closed the door. Then she got dressed, and got ready for the day.

When she walked into the living room Ben, Finn, Poe, and Luke had stern faces. "You were with Fath-ANAKIN?" Luke hollered. Ben sighed and shook his head. Finn and Poe walked away fuming.

Obi-Wan stopped this from escalating any further. "Alright! Thankfully, nothing happened. Now, this cannot be allowed to happen again, UNDERSTOOD?!"

They all nodded in response.


Anakin, Rey, Luke, Obi-Wan, Ben, Finn, and Poe walked down the halls to the Council chambers. The Council summoned them for a new mission.

They opened the door and walked in. "You summoned us, Master Yoda?" Obi-Wan asked respectfully as they all bowed. Yoda nodded.

"Yes, a new assignment, you all have. Protect the Senator of Naboo, you must! Work in groups, all of you will. Watch Senator Amidala, Rey and Anakin will. Check security, Master Kenobi and Luke will. Be in charge of the perimeter, the other Padawans will!"

"Yes, Master!" they all said in unison with a bow. Then they turned to leave and head for Senator Amidala's apartment.


Anakin, Rey, Ben, Finn, Poe, Luke and Obi-Wan were heading up the elevator to Padmé's apartment. Anakin kept messing with his Jedi robes. He was sweating. "You're nervous," Obi-Wan stated the obvious. "Not at all!" Anakin lied.

"I haven't felt you this tense since we both fell into that nest of gundarks." Obi-Wan attempted to make a joke. Rey giggled and the others stifled a laugh. Anakin scoffed, but smiled. "You fell in to that nightmare, Master, and I rescued you, remember?"

"Oh, yes, hmm!" Obi-Wan smiled.

The elevator opened up to reveal a Gungan. "Obi? Obi! Meesa so smilen to seeing​ yousa! Senator Padmé! Lookie lookie, Senator, decent Jedi arrive!" The Gungan led them to the senator.

She exchanged greetings with Obi-Wan, then her gaze fell on Anakin. "Ani? My goodness you've grown! Actually, you've grown quite handsome."

She smiled mischievously. Anakin felt his face turn red. Rey's face also went red, but not in embarrassment, it was because she was... JEALOUS! (AN: Rey X Anakin X Padmé! Triggered! Shots FIRED! I quote, "It's goin' down for real!")

Padmé looked over at Rey, and noticed that she was holding Anakin's hand. She inwardly glared. How dare Anakin betray her? He was hers ONLY!

Then she saw the other Jedi. Did she really require this many Jedi? She extended a hand to Rey. She made sure that she extended the hand that would make Rey have to let go of her Ani!

"I'm Padmé, I don't think we've met. If you don't want to call me Padmé, then you can call me Milady!" Rey knew what Padmé was doing, but she was going to play her little game, though.

This is war. "Nice to meet you, Senator! By the way I heard about what happened to your handmaiden, and I pity her." Rey said half smirking, half sneering.

"Yes, it's a pity she died!" Padmé sighed. "No, it's a pity she had to work for a conniving senator like you, so really I wish I could be in her place right now, being dead I mean!"

Padmé glared at her. Rey smirked back at her. Ben, Finn and Poe had to swallow their laughs. Anakin was starting to realize that these two didn't like each other. Obi-Wan and Luke looked sternly at Rey. Jar Jar said, "Thissa gettin interesting!"

"If you'll all excuse me, I will retire!" Padmé raised her voice. She walked away fuming. Her assistants followed after her, but not before Captain Typho could smirk at Rey, obviously trying not to laugh.

If you thought the Clone Wars was bad, think again! Padmé's got some competition. D-R-A-M-A! CHICK FIGHT!
Disclaimer: I don't own worth a freaking lightsaber. All credit goes to LucasFilm and George Lucas.

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