Settling Into Our New Reality

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As the days turned into weeks, Luke, Ben, Rey, Finn, and Poe got accustomed to their new surroundings. They agreed that they needed to form a plan to get rid of Palpatine, but the only thing was how would they go about doing it? "Okay, guys, game time!" Poe said, slamming the holotable in the Falcon. "We gotta figure out what to do about Palpatine, before he sinks his hooks any deeper into Skywalker and the rest of the Galaxy."

"I like your attitude, Dameron, but Palpatine is the biggest baddie of all time. He's been around since the last days of the Old Republic about a thousand years ago, and he's been planning this takeover since before Grampa was even born," Ben listed off. Poe gave him a shrewd look. "What are you trying to say?" the pilot questioned. "I'm saying, don't just stand there a tell us we need a plan," Ben shot back. "Our plan needs to be foolproof, Jedi-proof, Sith-proof, and basically every other kinda of proof in the universe if we're ever gonna pull this off and not create an even worse future for ourselves."

"Well, nephew, got any bright ideas?" Luke mused.

Ben glared at his uncle. "Actually I have a few."

Everyone gathered in close, as the third generation Skywalker told them about his plans. Well, everyone except for Rey. She had her own issues to deal with, like making sure Anakin and Padmé never fall in love.


Rey, Ben, and Luke resided in the Jedi Temple so that they might continue their training and improve themselves, as well as keeping an eye on a certain Skywalker patriarch. It was the perfect way to watch over Anakin and make sure to stay off of Palpatine's radar. Oh, and since there was nowhere else for Finn, Poe, Chewbacca and the droids to go, they remained at the temple for the time being.

Luke practically followed after Obi-Wan like a youngling would cling to their mother. It was actually quite adorable how his eyes would light up in childlike wonder whenever the Jedi Master would tell him things about the Jedi, things he never even knew about.

Poe and Finn were much more interested in the technology that everyone used and comparing it to the technology in their time. Ben varied in his time following after Luke and his namesake or his grandfather always asking Anakin what his experiences were like as a Jedi. And Rey... she was usually left off by herself, but she didn't mind. In fact, she would use that time to research lore in the archives or practice her training.

Of course occasionally she would wander the halls and come across Anakin training in an empty room. Although, if she found herself unable to take her eyes off him it was definitely because she was admiring his form.

Nothing else.

Sadly for Rey,  this happened more often than not whenever she found herself bored or unable to concentrate on her training. She always ended up back in the Room of A Thousand Fountains watching as the Skywalker patriarch performed intricate lightsaber moves and honed his Force abilities.

This went for more than a few weeks. Until the last day of the the third month they'd been living at the temple.

She had been making her way to the Room of A Thousand Fountains to watch Anakin practice, as usual. However,  when she got to the garden, nobody was there. That's strange, he's usually here by now. "Well, if he's not here, maybe I can just train instead," she pondered.

So with that she entered the room and began her meditation. Then, not long after that she started in on her lightsaber training.

She was so caught up in her own training that she didn't see the Chosen One watching her from the doorway with piqued interest and a curious heart.

Star Wars: Twisting FateTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang