Tusken Raiders, The Future, & Mother Dearest

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Anakin was sleeping restlessly. He was having another nightmare about his mother. She was being tortured by an unknown torturer.

That wasn't even the half of it. As the dream of his mother faded he saw himself back on Tatooine with a look of fiery hate and vengeance.

Then he saw... Rey? She was in a lightsaber battle with... Ben? His red lightsaber pushing her towards the edge of a cliff, while she struggled to hold him back with... His LIGHTSABER?!

Then that faded out to reveal him being put into a black mask, and standing by who he could guess was the Emperor.

Anakin woke with a start. What was that?


Rey slept restlessly. She was having a nightmare about... Anakin's mother. She was being tortured by the Tusken Raiders.

She saw Anakin going after them, he had fury written all over his face, which kind of looked cute on him... Whoa!

The she saw her fight on Starkiller Base. She saw herself fighting Ben. She regretted that day.

Then she saw Anakin being put into his Force-forsaken suit. He was standing by her grandfather typically.

She woke up with a start. What was that?

Suddenly, the door opened up to reveal Anakin. "Couldn't sleep. I heard you screaming. Then again, so was I," Anakin chuckled. Rey smiled at him.

"Anakin, will you stay with me? Please?" Rey asked, her eyes pleading.

Anakin nodded and walked over to the bed. She scooted over to let him crawl in beside her. For some odd reason they were both extremely attached to each other. They were to learn this on there own, though.

The pair stayed there wrapped in each other's arms. Rey placed her head on Anakin's chest which was surprisingly soft considering it was chiseled and taught. "Good night, Anakin," Rey said softly. She placed a kiss on his shoulder, then place her head back on his chest.

Anakin smiled. "G'night, Rey." He placed a kiss on her forehead, and closed his eyes.

For the rest of the night they slept soundly, comforted by the other one's presence.
Disclaimer: All credit goes to LucasFilm and George Lucas. I don't own worth a lightsaber.

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