There You Are R2

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They walked towards the landing bay to see their ship. When they got there they were greeted by Chewie, R2, and BB-8. "Hey... R2?" Anakin shouted confused. R2 ran towards him. "Wow! I never knew that you knew my droid!" Luke said astounded.

Anakin looked at Luke, then he remembered that they're from the future. "So, how'd you get R2?" Anakin asked. "Well, I have R2 and a droid named '3PO--" Luke was cut off by Anakin interrupting him... Again, "Wait, C-3PO! I built him a long time ago how'd you get him?" "He and R2 were... Just some droids I came into possession of on Tatooine!" Luke replied carefully.

Rey stepped in before Luke ended up revealing too much. "Well this has been an interesting conversation, but I think that we had better find someplace to stay the night." "Oh that's easy, you guys can stay with me and Obi-Wan in the Jedi Temple!" Anakin offered. "Ben!" Luke shouted in realization. "What?" Ben asked. "Not you Ben the other Ben-- Obi-Wan... Your namesake!" Ben nodded in realization. "Oh!"

"I'm guessing that you and I knew each other since you named your nephew after me?" Obi-Wan asked. Luke nodded. "How old are all of you, anyway?" Anakin asked bluntly. Luke answered, "Well I am, believe it or not, 55 years old. Rey is 19. Finn is 23. Poe is 26, and Ben-- my nephew-- is 29."

Anakin nodded and showed them to Obi-Wan and his quarters. For some reason, Anakin felt connected to Luke and Ben. He just felt as if he knew them somehow, which confused him even more because he had never heard of them until now. Perhaps he would ask Yoda what it all meant later.

And there was something else bothering Anakin: how did they end up with R2 and '3PO? What happens in the future? How do they know Obi-Wan? How is it that Rey Palpatine is Force-sensitive and her grandfather isn't? But mostly, who is Luke's Father?...
Disclaimer: I don't own worth a lightsaber in this story.

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