Love, Life & the Jedi

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They got off of the transport and walked towards the Palace of Theed. The four of them walked up the steps talking about the time Padmé was elected as Queen of Naboo.

"I wasn't the youngest queen to be elected, but now that I think back on it, I don't think that I was old enough to run! I did the best I could as the queen, but sometimes I don't think it was enough!" Padmé explained.

Anakin consoled her. "The people you served thought you did a good job. I heard they even tried to amend the constitution to keep you in office!" Padmé laughed. "I was glad when my two terms were up!"

Anakin chuckled. Then they noticed that Rey was silent and looked solemn. "Hey, what's wrong, Rey?" Anakin asked. Rey was snapped out of her thoughts, and she looked towards them. "Hmm, what?"

Padmé laughed. "Looks like someone was off in dream world thinking about a certain Jedi!" Rey blushed. In all honesty, she really was thinking about him, in fact she still was. "Force! How is it even possible for him to be this... This... CUTE? Oh. My. God! Did I just call him cute?"

Rey snapped out of her thoughts... Again, when she heard Anakin's voice. His voice was so innocent and powerful. That's when she realized that she was looking deep into Anakin's deep blue eyes.

"Rey, are you alright?" Anakin repeated. "Naboo to Rey. I repeat: Naboo to Rey!" He yelled in her face. Rey finally spoke up. "I never noticed how blue your eyes were before." Anakin laughed at her playfully.

R2 beeped something to Rey. Rey looked towards him offended. "I am NOT falling head-over-heels in love with him!" R2 beeped something that said, 'Whatever you say, Rey!' She rolled her eyes and marched faster up the steps of the Palace of Theed.


They were sitting in the throne room talking about the Separatists, democracy and the assassination attempt on the senator. "What shall we do about the Republic?" Padmé asked.

The queen rose up out of her throne. "Well, we must stay loyal to the Republic. The day we stop believing democracy can work, is the day we lose it! In the meantime, we must be concerned about your own safety!"

Sio Bibble turned towards the two Padawans. "What do you suggest, Master Jedi?" "Oh, they aren't Jedi yet, they're still Padawan learners! I was thinking--" she was interrupted by Rey and Anakin, "Wait a minute!" "Excuse me! Now, I was saying--" Rey interrupted Padmé a second time, "No, excuse me! We are in charge of security, Milady!"

"Yes, but this is my home! I know it very well, that is why we are here!" Anakin stopped Rey before she said anything else to Padmé. "Sorry, Milady!" Padmé continued, "Now, I think that I should stay in the lake country, there's a lot of places out there that are very isolated."

Rey rolled her eyes and pushed passed Padmé and Anakin. "Whatever!" Anakin went after her. Rey walked down the hall fuming. "Anakin don't try to get me to apologize for what I said!"

Anakin laughed. "Who said that I was going to do that?" She turned around to look at him. He was now a few inches away from her. She looked into his eyes and he looked into hers. "Anakin, this can't happen, we can't happen, it's just not possible!" Rey's voice wavered.

Rey was about to walk away, when Anakin grabbed her arm. He kissed her square on her lips. Rey was surprised, but soon her lips softened against his.

When they broke the kiss, they noticed that R2, Padmé, and Sio Bibble were watching. "Well Master Skywalker, if you wanted a minute alone with your lover, all you had to do was ask!" Sio laughed.

Anakin smiled at Rey flirtatiously. Rey stepped in. "Oh no, you see... We're not... He's NOT my boyfriend!" Sio smiled at Rey kindly. He understood what it was like to be in love.

R2 beeped something to Rey that sounded like this: "Rey and Anakin sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" "R2, stop picking on Rey. It's not her fault that she's attracted to a gorgeous babe like me!" Anakin boasted.

Rey groaned in exasperation and stormed off towards the gondola speeder. That was everyone's cue to start heading out.

Looks like Rey is going to start experiencing the Dark Side... Of love. May the Force guide her through this.

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