4.It All Begins Now

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I woke up crying in the hotel bed, clutching the hoodie that ghost had left. This has to end. Hes gone and that wont change. I was wrong to think I ever got over him, but this is way more than a simple crush. I guess seeing his other half... I don't know. But I do know this, I have to go home. Grandmother is going to kill me, and I was right. As soon as she got word from the gate that I was home, she was running down the drive way cursing my name. I didn't hear a single word I was to distraught over my dream.

She started talking about how my siblings would have never done that and that she was grounding me for life. But that all stopped the minute she saw me crying. She didn't know why but she didn't seem to care all that mattered was I was sad. I didn't tell her much just that I met up with a friend who hurt me badly, so I went for a walk to calm down. By then it was so late, I spent the night in a hotel so I didn't wake anyone up when I came home. I expected her to yell saying she didn't believe that but She just looked at me and said nothing.

She told me later on the toast was visiting, and that he was bringing Ghost with him. My reaction was immediate but I stayed silent, ate my breakfast like a good girl, and then did my chores. I cleaned up my room and repainted the wall. Grandma didn't like the look of the marking. I couldn't blame her though. I unlocked toasts room and did his bed. I hesitated at ghosts room but It had to be done. I walked in and went straight to the desk. This visit is going to be all summer, probably more. Toast was talking about starting a paranormal business and he wanted to get some things for it. PIE he called it. I was happy at first but now...

It means more Ghost, an entire Summer of him. I don't know. I'm going to at least keep it professional, I have to. I have to learn to be near him but not with him. I just don't know how. It's been so long since I had last seen him, before the whole Jimmy thing. He changed so much I didn't even recognize him. I just have to forget everything that happened. That means acting as though it never did. I mean Toast has no clue, assuming Ghost didn't tell him. I don't know why he would, he didn't have the whole story. Ugh, that also means I need to stop thinking about it.

I caught sight of the picture on the desk. It was of me and Ghost, Toast was taking the photo. That was the day I first noticed I liked him. He was so kind to everything and everyone. We spent the entire day at the amusement park. He helped me around, stayed with me all the time. And when I was afraid of a ride that he and toast wanted to go on. He kept me company as toast went to ride it, even took me on some rides as we waited. I took the photo and put it in the drawer. I GOT TO STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM. I placed a new sweater I had bought him on his bed, and I left the room trying so hard not to look back.

It was almost time for them to arrive, so like with every visit I put on my best dress, a beautiful but plain black dress. I curled my hair and put it up in a half french braid, did my make up and waited downstairs. I know... Why go to all the trouble? Well, my Grandmother insists, she wants to make an impression whenever she can. And so I'm the one she makes her personal doll.

I ran outside to greet my brother the minute I saw his pink, yes pink, convertible in the driveway, ran right up and hugged him. I could see ghost still in the car, his apprehension of coming out was tangible. I walked inside with Toast leaving Ghost behind, who was slowly getting out of the car. Grandmother like usual hugged him as he came in, giving me a look for running out. Of course, I rolled my eyes, as toast and I laughed it off. I left the boys to there own thing, as much as I love my brother I couldn't be around Ghost for too long. So I went to my room to read.

"The secret life of a killer? Is that what your into these days." I slammed the book down and turned around to meet Toast in the doorway. He just laughed at my reaction and sat on my bed. "Has me bringing Ghost caused you some discomfort." I should have known he would have sensed something was up. "Since we arrive you have been a bit guarded and distant. I mean come on you didn't even tell us about your new invention." I sat next to him unable to say anything. I could lie but he would know, and I cant tell him the truth. So I came up with a sort of partial truth.

"You know It's just... I guess seeing him again after all these years brought back some feelings that's all. I don't mean to cause anything. It just seems as though I'm just not over him yet. Who would have thought a child's crush would last so long." The sound of something crashing took us from our chat. We followed the noise into the next room, ghosts room. The picture I had put in the drawer was smashed on the floor. Ghost was trying to pick the pieces up but there were too many. I couldn't help but think it was on purpose. Toast was to busy helping to see the pain in my eyes, but ghost did. He just stared at me the entire time I was in the room all the way till I ran out. 

Don't follow me. Please don't follow me. Please, Ghost just stay there. I kept repeating it in my head over and over again. I tried my best to dry my face, before telling grandmother I needed to go shopping. I could hear Toast yelling for me as I walk out of the house but I didn't stop. I managed to walk all the way to the gate before looking back at the house. I wish I didn't. Ghost was standing on the porch staring right at me. I didn't need to read him. I knew he was upset probably of me making a scene in front of toast. God What Is Wrong With Me?! 

I had gone to a tech shop that a friend of mine told me about. Might as well since the one I go to is closed off. The way back home was long but it was nice to be outside. Unfortunately, It wasn't long before trouble found me. A cop that was there at the ally scene spotted me and recognized me. Teats what I get for being stupid I guess. He had me in cuffs and in the back of his car within minutes. And to top it off there was ghost watching me in horror. Damn it Grandmother must have sent him when I didn't come home at the normal time. When his met my eyes, the realization must have hit him.

The trouble we got into was with the cops. I watched as he ran back towards home. One good thing that happened, the cop didn't see him. Another bad thing though, I dropped all my stuff again so I'm never getting them back. Assuming I ever get out I'll just have to text Spencer to mail me everything. The way to the station was quiet. The cop kept glancing at me. I knew he was just doing his job but I was not happy, not in the slightest. Whats going to happen now. I can't exactly say what was going on. God damn it. They were kind considering the charges. They gave me the typical procedure, complete with water and donuts. Can't they ever be original? Though they wanted to know more about the store instead of the ally.

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