27.Black Veins (Ghost)

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I was in the middle of my 4th coughing fit. It was a really bad one. Spencer had handed me a washcloth before so this time I was able to cough into it, lessening the mess. But when I didn't stop coughing, Toast start looking for anything he could use to help. My head started getting light as I couldn't breathe. All that  I could do was, cough until I began to choke. By the time I stopped coughing the entire washcloth was soaked. This is bad, if Jimmy doesn't come back soon, there won't be anyone to come back to.

Toast comes over and holds out his hand. He wants the washcloth so that he can dispose of it properly, but he really shouldn't be around me right now. Out of everyone, he should be as far away as he can get from me. All this blood, all this silver, If he stays in here any longer. He's going to kill himself. Werewolves are the most sensitive to silver. If it gets into their bloodstream, that's it. 

"Just give me the flippin' washcloth. I put gloves back on."

"Toastht, I agree with Ghostht. You shouldn't be around it. Maybe... You should go back upsthares." Toasts eyes just went black. Like completely black, but right after, it returned back to their normal blue eyes. He walked off to the side of the room and sat down. A few seconds later he starts coughing and I immediately jump up. This is what I was afraid of. 

"Toast you really should go." Toast just looks at me with a stink eye. He wasn't going to listen. He doesn't even know the severity of the situation. My breathing started to get erratic again and my heart started to race, making the pain start to come back because the Iv couldn't keep up with the blood flow.  Soon It became too hard to breathe. I pushed my head back against the pillow, praying it would be over soon. It wasn't, It wasn't long before my breathing stopped entirely. Toast was up trying to get this oxygen mask over my head, but I kept pushing him away. As much I need the air, he needs to get away from me and my silver laced blood. Toast, however, manages to get the mask on me. He pulled up a chair and started to fiddle with some of the machines. I couldn't help but think that maybe he should wear this mask. I meant it jokingly but as soon as he started coughing I was already trying to take it off to give to him.

"Stop that! You need to wear it." Toast gave me a stern "doctor" look and I tried to tell him he should too, but all that came out were coughs. They ended up having to take it off of me anyway until the coughing fit subsided. I go to wipe my face and that's when I noticed my wrists.  My veins were starting to turn black. I was running out of time. God damn it! Whats taking Jimmy so long? How long does it take to find a location?

 I quickly pulled my arms down against my chest. Toast noticed this and tried to look at them. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop him. I was far too weak and was only getting weaker by the second. Toast watched as the black veins slowly crept up my arms. A look of fear crossed his face and he started to pace. Despite his doctorate, he wouldn't know how to handle this. He wouldn't even know how to begin. Wouldn't matter anyway, there's no curing this. Jimmy's the only thing that's kept me alive.

"Spencer? You seem to know what's going on. How do we stop this?" Toast looks over at Spencer but he just shakes his head. He does know what's happening and he knows there is no stopping it. There's only delaying it. Unfortunately, we don't have the means to do that, and now it's too late. Once the veins start to go black, the only thing that can stop it is Jimmy. The oxygen mask goes back on and Toast just sits there looking defeated. When he told Jimmy to go for it, he hadn't expected this. 

At the time neither did I, but I knew what would happen if Jimmy and I ever get separated. It's a death sentence unless he can get back in time. Don't get me wrong, If I had known exactly what he had to do and how long it would take, even if it was sure death, I would still tell him to do it. If it meant we save our team, save Jessi, I would do anything.

Another coughing fit, and another worried glance. More black vein, and less time left. The clock was counting down, and everyone was worried. Well everyone except Papa who had made his way to the upstairs kitchen. That man is going to pay us all back for the food he ate, he has enough money for it. He's richer than Toast. That's how it continued for a while. I had even gotten used to the routine, that was until it broke.

Toast had put these heart monitors on me, the constant beeping was calming. But the fever came over me so suddenly was agonizing. Even with the mask, my breathing was faint, and my vision was so blurry I usually kept my eyes closed.

I started to feel this burning, from my arm to my neck. It made me very uncomfortable. I started to move around and I could hear as Toast inhaled sharply. The blackening veins must have reached my neck. My chest started hurting and my heart started to race again. You could hear the quickened and uneven pace on the monitor. There were sounds of Toast and Spencer doing things in the background to try to help, but all I could hear was the monitor and my boiling blood.

This is it. My time is up. If Jimmy... No, It's over. I take off my oxygen mask and open my eyes. In the end, I still never got to tell her. I never said the words. I won't even be able to say goodbye. Toast is so frantic, he hasn't noticed. Which is good because I don't want his to see this.

I feel as something falls from my eyes. I go and wipe it only to see it was black blood. It really is time then. My body convulsed and I doubled over, puking up more black blood all over the floor. Spencer immediately pulls Toast back, and despite Toast strength, keeps him far from me.  I start to shake violently as the rest of my veins turn completely black. Black bloody tears cover my face and my breathing stops. I wait as the darkness slowly creeps in, taking me with it.

Don't give up on me yet Ghost!

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