18.Now a Spookster

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"CAN'T A GIRL GET A BREAK!" I screamed, my anger mixing with my insanity causing my voice to change again. I was sick of all this. Next thing I knew Ghost was once again running out of the house to stop me from killing someone. Its like he took it upon himself to be the world personal bodyguard against the terrible Jessi Casket.

"Whoa, what happened? Why is Spooker out here?"

"Maybe you should ask him why he fell out the sky? Or Maybe why he had to fall on TOP OF ME!" Ghost stared at Spooker for a while before looking back at me.

"If he fell on top of you... from the sky... why aren't you unconscious like he is?" I was losing it again. I have been the universes punching bag and as much as I probably deserve it for hurting Ghost... THIS IS INSANE!

"If. one. more. person. bumps into me or falls on me or anything like that. I swear to GOD. Someone will bleed." Ghost took my hand and held it close. He looked me in the eyes and nodded with a complete understanding of my frustration.

"Jess you need to calm down."


"When you dye your hair? I sthwear it was black before." I turned around to see everyone standing in the doorway. I hadn't even realized my hair had changed. Darn it!

"When did you... get here?" I asked as I tried my hardest to calm down. For the most part, it worked. At least you couldn't hear the insanity in my voice anymore.

"We heard yelling. I was worried. So I followed Ghost." Toast looked concerned. He's only ever seen me look like this once long ago. While Ghost saw it last night, and in the video. Well if he didn't know it was me in the video, he does now.

Now that I wasn't as angry anymore, I took a good look at Spooker. He was out cold from the impact. He was covered in cuts and bruises. His arm didn't look good either. Whoever he was, he took a massive beating before being portaled here. Poor kid must have been in a lot of pain. I go and pick Spooker up as carefully as I could. Ghost looked like he wanted to stop me but went against it. I understand what I am but I'm not going to hurt the kid. Besides even if I wanted to where's the fun in hurting him now.

"Hurry, h-he's c-coming." I got this intense sense of dread pound into me after Spooker spoke. He was hardly even up but... Whoever this he is, they're not to be trifled with, not yet. I set him on one of the spare beds and ran to my library. Well, more of my arsenal. I grabbed a handgun and another knife just to be safe. I put them in holsters and I put my favorite one in my ankle holster. Don't ask me why. I just want to be safe. ANd in turn, keep the others safe. That feeling I had gotten. It's like death itself came and touched me, threatening to take me then and there. It was pure fear, something I hadn't felt in a long time. I was on my way back into the library to grab some more books when I saw someone in the computer room.

"Your sthetup is sthweet. You could hack into the NSthA with all this." Spencer was running around checking out all the tech I had. How did he even...

"THEY HAVE A KITCHEN... AND IT'S FILLED WITH SNACKS... I FOUND SOME OREOS!!" Papa too, whats going on? All of a sudden I started hearing gunshots. I ran to where they seemed to be coming from. I ended up at the shooting range where Ghost was firing at the targets with a semiAutomatic. SERIOUSLY, he knows too. Wait where's Toast.

"Where did all these books come from?" The library. He's in the library. How? Wait, the door! I ran to the stairs and sure enough, I left the door open. I was so focused on the mystery guy that I completely forgot. How stupid could I get? Well, at least there one less secret. Darn, I like secrets though. It doesn't matter now.

I walked into the library to find Toast sitting and reading one about psychology. Make sense, he did get a masters in it. I go and sit on one of the chairs and wait for him to notice me. I'm sure he has plenty to say.

"So this is where you were last night?" I didn't answer. He just kept reading his book like nothing happened. I couldn't get a reading on him. But then again I never really could. When it comes to psychic level, he is far superior to me. I just have more going for me than just that. Well, different things, Toast is amazing in his own right with what he can do.

"I noticed the trash bags in the training room, as well as the broken mirror. Was what hurt your hand earlier this week?" Again no answer. I just sit the being as quiet as I could be. I feel like I'm ten again having to listen him lecture me on what not to be doing.

"Jessica you need to talk to me. Ghost told me he's been trying to talk to you all day. I'm worried about you." Toast closed the book he was reading and set it on the table. He looked me in the eyes without anger. Or fear which surprises me a little because usually, I cause people to feel even a little fear when they're around me. And with me like this... Guess my brother has seen some stuff. Don't know if I should be happy about that. Toast just sighed and forced a fake smile.

"I was told to apologize to you about what I said earlier. Though I don't know why?" Toast forced a laugh. He was trying to lighten up the mood. For someone as intuitive as he is sometimes he can be so oblivious.

"It's no problem. You were correct anyway. I would've done the same as you."

"Don't you dare say that again." Ghost came rushing in and grabbing my shoulders. "I don't care how upset you are, do not say that." I just smirked. Ghost really has a habit of this. He is literally the most caring person ever even to someone like me. I wonder how he would treat Jimmy if he knew about him.

"A 'supposed' serial killer attacked you last night. Why wouldn't I want them to hurt? Wouldn't you?" I kept my smile on my face.

"Oh my god, stop beating yourself up over it. I got in the way! Besides it was just a scratch."

"I could have killed you!"

"AND I COULD HAVE KILLED YOU!" He looked me right in the eyes. That beautiful red I missed so much. I don't have any patience to deal with Jimmy right now.

"I'm confused. What are you two talking about?" Toast walks between us, and I see Ghost blink the red away.

"I have to check on Spooker."

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