19.Enemies Appeared

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"I have to check on Spooker." The boys just stood there staring back at me as I left. Honestly, it seems we're all staring at each other than actually doing anything.

"So this is the new home of the famous PIE team." The sense of dread came back. I immediately slam the door shut, locking it before anyone else could come up. I could hear banging on the door as Ghost and Toast yelled for me. I just stayed silent and prayed they would stop. They did. I heard Toast yell to Spencer to access the cameras. I didn't realize they knew there was any.

"Where are you kitten, I heard you banging." I took a deep breath and tried to steady my nerves. I straightened myself out like my grandmother taught me and projected innocence as I walked into the living room.

"There you are, kitten." The woman looked me up and down probably sizing me up. She paused at the holsters on my hips and smiled. "A kitten with claws. But you don't really need those, do you?"

The woman turned and I saw another person behind her. There was a man holding up Spooker, who was coughing and struggling just to breath. I sighed and took my holsters off, leaving the one on my ankle, hidden under my pant leg. I tossed the two holsters over to her and she smiled wider. The man threw Spooker, who I caught just before he could hit the wall.

"That's a good kitten. Now, tell me where Johnny Toast and Johnny Ghost are. We already have one of their precious team members."

"One?" The woman's smile faltered a bit at my question. I guess she wasn't one for conversation. Unless it's her talking that is. I glance over at her feet and see my weapons just laying there. If I can just get her than this can end... right. I look up behind her to the camera that was facing me and I gave it my biggest smile. Instantly I got a feeling of fear like it was screaming at me to not do it. I knew right away it was Ghost. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before calmly setting Spooker down on the floor.

"Yes, we have one of the famous PIE team. It's only a matter of time we get the rest. With or without your help... Kitten."

"Your right. There's just one thing you didn't think of." I opened my eyes again and the feeling from Ghost intensified. I just have to get her. Then it's over.

Please don't do this Jess. Ghost's voice ran through my mind. I almost forgot about the connection we share. Please understand.

"Oh? And what would that be?"

At least let us help you.

"You have two members of Pie" She raised one of her eyes at me and burst out laughing.

Jess let us out. We can help you.

"Yeah? Where is this second member?" 

Jessica, please?

"Me!" I jumped up and ran towards her, but the guy behind her stepped in front of her. He swung his arm out and dunk underneath it, grabbed the knife below his feet, and thrust up towards his face. He dodged and attempted to grab me, but jumped back, hitting the coffee table in the process.

Jessica, please don't do this. LET ME OUT SO I CAN HELP!

"So you're a member as well. Interesting, last time I check there were only men, certainly no kittens." She's starting to piss me off... big time. I launched myself at the woman only to be blocked again by the man. However this time I grabbed onto him and pushed myself over and behind him. And before he could turn around I stabbed the knife I grabbed into his spin, snapping it in half.

"I am not a kitten." Next thing I know I'm on the ground, this burning in my side. I was thrown back by a kick, hitting my head way too hard against the wall. Everything slowly went black and my vision blurred.

"Neither am I."


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