13.Uh Oh, Spaghetti O's.

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"You've been out for awhile. "

"How long?"

"Two days give or take a few hours."

"Really? I definitely need to learn control, Jez!" Maybe it was because of the whole book thing, and that's why I was out of it for two days. But... If that's the case how did I do it anyway, I just can't wrap my head around it, AND HOW DID GHOST HEAL LIKE THAT!

"Hey, we got a call!" Ghost came running out of the house obviously struggling to put on his bag while also talking on the phone. Why wouldn't you just wait to do that? I mean come on, your just making it harder on yourself.

"Not Papa again is it?"

"No this time its someone new, something about a death at a local store." Uh... Oh

"Death? Sir, isn't that Malony's jurisdiction"


"Fine, sir, we'll go." They both started to walk away when Toast stopped and looked back at me. "Aren't you coming?" Wait they're letting me join? I know they said that I was "joining" PIE but I thought it would just be in the background. You know what I mean, no one messes with the Toast and Ghost Duo. However, I can't have them looking into that call, at least not successfully anyway... That is if its the one I think it is. I'm going to be in so much trouble.

The store had been closed off, as usual, however, there was no police tape. Meaning the owner didn't call the cops, they probably didn't want the police sniffing around all the macaroni they hoarded downstairs, not that I am judging. So what... Is the PIE team like another form of the police, for like bad guys because if so that's really screwed... But also really cool. 

Ghost had already gone inside to investigate, and I felt in no rush to say he was looking in the wrong area. I didn't feel like incriminating myself. Before you go and judge me, that flippin guy was way out of line. Do you have any idea how many times he has tried something with me? It was almost like he wanted me to do it. I mean you have to have some sort of a deathwish to do what he did, but still... I know, killing is wrong. Too bad, I don't care anymore.

I held myself off from killing him for a while, the last trip was just my breaking point. It's not like I could have gone somewhere else either, Little butts North Carolina did not have very many options in the way of stores. Although it did have a surplus of idiots. 

"Sir, I found him!" Ok, here we go.

"Really. Where was he?" 

"He was by the rubbish." Where he belonged. Rubbish goes with the rest of the rubbish.

"The trash? Ew." Yep, Ew... Like I said, where he belongs.

"Sir, are you alright?" Ghosts eyes were twitching slightly as he stared at the body. I could tell that he was having trouble holding on. Maybe this is one of the triggers he has? But if that what it is then whats with all the anger. Ghost pulled toast aside to talk business with him and I went to look inside. I mean they aren't going to find anything on the body linking me to it.  But I just wanted to check my bases.

"Excuse me miss, but you're not supposed to be here. We're closed." I looked over to find the store manager coming out of room marked security. I didn't even realize they had any. I glance around the room pinpointing all areas where a camera may be and nothing. That was until I found two in front of their staircase downstairs. Crud, one was pointed out towards the back door. Why can't my life ever be easy?

I put on my best smile and put my hands up defensively. I saw Ghost pass by the window next to me and tapped the glass. The old man didn't exactly like that but when Ghost appeared again to see what had tapped he calmed down a bit.

"Were you the one who called us?" Ghost called out as he came back into the building. I kept my distance and let Ghost all the talking. I didn't want to give the old man any reason to ID me. Just in case I was in fact caught on video. 

"Yes sir, My name is Mr. Monty. I'm the owner of this place. And you are?" 

"Johnny Ghost paranormal investigator extraordinaire. My partner Johnny Toast is currently looking for clues in the back" I slowly stepped away from the two of them, hoping that Ghost could distract him while I went check the surveillance. But as soon as move, I heard someone clear their throat, and I stopped short.

"And who might this be?" I turned back around and straightened myself out. I smiled again and try to push that princess aura, my grandmother instilled into me, outward as best I could. Ghost just stood there staring at me. I could still sense that anger from him. Is he angry at me or at the murder? Or is it Jimmy that's angry, and if so why? 

"This our newest partner in the PIE Team..."

"Jessica Lynn, Nice to meet you... Properly this time." I wasted no time putting on my "royal" face. I extended my hand and Mr. Monty took it very cautiously. I don't think he knows that it was me but, he definitely feels something is off about me. I can see the fear in his eyes. The type a fear someone has when you see someone and your whole body goes cold. The same feeling Jimmy gives people. The same feeling I felt at the store so long ago.

"Ah, so sorry for earlier then." Mr. Monty practically ripped his hand out of mine. His smile beaming as he wiped his hand against his pant leg. I nodded politely as he turned around. As soon as he did, my smile fell. I had an itch. The itch... He's treating me so poorly. If only he knew what I was capable of. Truly capable of, his employee was out of rage. Hardly my best work. Hardly anyone's best work. 

"Jess, you alright?" I nodded again and just walked away. I followed Mr. Monty as he went off on his theory on what happened. He would stop every once and a while to look back at me, obviously not liking I was there. I don't care, not really anyway. I'm here to make sure the PIE team doesn't find out the truth. I couldn't care less how the boss man thinks about me. At least for now anyway. 


He should watch what he does. One wrong move and I just might forget to hold back.

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