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"It can't be a coincidence that this happens the day after the store was attacked. Not only that but you were caught on camera next to the suspect. Then we get a call about some shots and we see you again with someone fitting the description. Make it easier on yourself give us a name and we won't charge you as an accessory." They showed me some videos of the store and even one of us on the roofs. I couldn't help myself, I laughed so hard I spilled my water all over me. They, of course, didn't take kindly to that reaction. So they decided to pull out my phone. CRAP! The picture I took of the mark. That wasn't so funny, in fact, it placed me back at the store. Why did I take that photo? Why was I so stupid?

"Care to explain what this is. And how you took it." I just gave them a sarcastic look and they gave up, at least for the time being. They didn't have any space available so they brought me back out with the officers. Unless Toast can pull something I am doomed not to mention...

GHOST! What are you doing here? He walked right up to the cops that were questioning me and started talking. I was starting to lose my breath. I thought he got the message, why is he here. Whats... going... on... here... the room was starting to darken as Ghost was taken to another room. Oh no! Some of the officers started to notice my issues and called a paramedic. WHY WAS HE HERE! I blacked out to the sight of the interrogation room door closing.

When I started to wake up, I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to find out that he was arrested or worse. I knew I was at home because I could smell grandmothers cooking and let's just say it's not something you forget. I heard someone walk in and sit down but I still didn't move. I didn't want to know who it was but I got the feeling they were really upset.

"It was me wasn't it?" As much joy as it was to hear him, what he said just brought more pain. " I saw the videos and the picture. Not to mention the sweeter I found covered in blood." How on earth did he find it, I hid it. I was trying so hard not to cry. The pain he's in is so obvious I bet sally would be able to tell. "Why didn't you turn me in? And the ally... why did you..."

"First off it wasn't you. Second, why would you EVER think I would turn you in?" I turned onto my side and faced the wall that way I couldn't see his face. I heard him start to leave, he was slow as if he was waiting for me to say something else. So I asked the only thing I could. "How did we get out of there."

"Its a secret." I bolted from my bed to meet the eyes of the man who was just moments ago crying. But I saw Jimmy and he smiled. That's it, just smiled before walking away. What just happened? It took a minute for the fact that that was Jimmy to dawn on me. I was out the door in a flash. Grandmother started yelling at me the minute she saw me... For getting up and not resting. You'd think it would be because I got arrested, or how about for the thing I got arrested for. Nope, it was just because I was up. Seriously whats going on here. What did I miss?

Jimmy waved at me telling me to come to the garden. So, of course, like an idiot, I followed. It was almost dark so the sky was a beautiful purple. The ground lights had turned on with the sprinklers making the garden look like it was sparkling. I walked halfway up to the gazebo before I was noticed by toast. I've never seen him move so fast. I was happy to get a hug from my brother, but it was a little hard to breathe. Jimmy was sitting in the gazebo, trying to get me to go with toast for a walk. But I didn't know if I can trust him here... alone. I asked toast to wait for a minute. Jimmy was a little upset that I didn't go when he said but he made no attempt to do anything about it.

"Hey, how did you find the sweeter?" I had put it in a secret compartment in my room. With the door locked. So how? He just looked at me a smiled... Again. Why does he keep smiling at me? He looked up at toast and then back at me and once again told me to go with him. "Not until you tell me why you care." Again, Ouch. Except, this time it wasn't what I said but the look he gave. I had hurt him, though I'm not exactly sure how. That's when it hit me. It wasn't Jimmy, not fully anyway. It was like with the dream, except for this time Jimmy was the one on the surface. I was trying so hard not to read him that I didn't notice Johnny's energy. Damn it.

I left without looking back. I didn't know why but I just couldn't wait for an answer. Toast didn't know what happened but he felt the pain we were both in, it was obvious. I told him not to worry and I went for a walk with him like Jimmy wanted. I looked back at Jimmy to see a tear fall from his face before the trees blocked our view.  

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