12.Just A Piece Of The P.I.E

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Pieces of wood, plaster, and glass were flying around in circles as I led them into the garbage bin that I had brought below. It was a hurricane of broken things and I was in the eye of the storm. However dangerous it was, it would be better than me cutting myself on the glass again. Besides, there was a big enough distance between me and storm of debris that I'm not worried. I'm not worried anyway since I'm the one controlling it all so yeah... When it was all over I opted for a nap. My powers may be OP but it's still very draining.

I picked up a book that somehow had made its way into here. "The Secret Life Of A Killer", funny I thought I lost this. I never did finish it, but then again why read about something you know intimately. I dropped the book onto the desk, and then landed on my bed just as my feet gave out. So much for hanging out with the fam... huh... whatever they probably have plans of their own anyway. I really need to learn moderation. I can't be passing out every time I use my powers, otherwise what's the point of using them then.

Just as I was about to nod off I heard my door creak open a bit, and before I can remember I wasn't alone in the house anymore, my book went flying right off the desk and hit Ghost right square in the face. Although, I still couldn't will myself awake. In fact, I'm surprised I even had the strength to do that in the first place.

"My Gosh, what the...My Eye... Jes" Ghost's voice drifted into the background, as I fell deeper asleep. I don't know when I finally stopped hearing it but I did. The only constant thing there was, was this burning heat I felt.

Screams... That's all I heard. Screams so loud it could've been my own. Except they weren't, because I couldn't speak, I couldn't even breathe. I just lied there on the ground, listening to the chorus. It was lovely, though I don't know why people were screaming. I guess it will remain a secret. I could tell someone was holding me but I didn't see them all I could see was black... and red. The screams became louder and louder until it was deafening. It was hard to tell what was going on, I couldn't even tell which way was up. But out of all that noise, I heard something as clear as day.

"Do You Want To Know My Secret... Jessi?"

I woke up with a start, a yell caught in my throat before it was made. The first thing I noticed was I was covered with a blanket. The second thing was the time, It was 4 in the morning. Darn it, I slept through dinner. Which means, they probably ended up eating out because the only thing Toast really knows how to make properly is MACARONI, and Ghost worked at McDonald's... that is pretty self-explanatory.

The lights had been turned off, but I could make out an outline of someone in the chair at the foot of my bed, and another beside the bed. Really, boys, I'm completely fine, save for the nightmare. Which just happened to be the first in over a year. Toast was fast asleep in the recliner that was at the foot of my bed. I managed successfully to "persuade" the recliner to recline without waking him up, as I grabbed to blanket off the bed, and covered him with it.

I don't know why they just didn't go to sleep in their own beds. My room ain't that big. Besides I'm am still not used to them being here. The fact that I hit Ghost with a dang book, is evident to that. Wait... The book ...

I looked over at Ghost with apprehension, knowing full well what I'd find, just not how bad. His right eye was in a bandage, and it needs to be changed. Of course. It's bandaged, it's never that easy. But still, the fact remains... I hurt him, I hurt Johnny.

I grabbed some first aid supplies I had in a compartment in the wall, brought it over to johnny, turned on the lights, and carefully removed the bandage. The entire time I was willing him to stay asleep, well... ok, more like praying. I cleaned the eye as well as everything around it. There was a lot more damage than that one bandage could have taken care of. It was highly bruised, and the eye itself, or what little I saw of it, seemed to crushed. Basically, there is no way that its ever going to work or look the same ever again. I left him sitting there as I went and got more bandages, my thoughts rushing through my mind.

DYW2KMS: Jessi Casket (Book 1)~ Needs Rewriting!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora