8.Time Out!!!

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I wouldn't allow myself to pass out. I couldn't, not with everything going on. When the boys left the room I tried sitting up, but pain shot up through my spine making me stop. I must have hit something when I was falling. God, I hope no one calls anyone. I hate doctors. I tried to sit up again but this time when the pain started I tried to block it out. I managed a few seconds before I started to see stars. I stopped just as Johnny walked through the door. I guess with everything going on, he came back. Toast must have called him, because he turned back toward the door, with a sour look. But he still left, leaving me alone with myself. I gritted my teeth and a fought through the pain. I don't remember what I hit and I don't know how bad, I just know I did.

I finally managed to get myself in a sitting position, when I heard yelling coming from down the hall. Toast was pissed at Johnny for doing his switch with Jimmy (but I still don't think he knows the full extent of it), all the while Ghost didn't understand what he was talking about.

I have to get out of this bed, but it was not going to be fun. I grabbed the edge of my bed and pulled until I almost touched my lamp with my nose. I then slowly twisted my body until my feet touched the floor. Movement was getting easier as the pain slowly dimmed. I was always an amazing healer, but this seemed to be a little to fast. Either way, I wasn't going to complain... the faster I healed the faster I can leave. I grabbed a hold of my end table and pulled myself up to a standing position. I was a little surprised I managed to do that so quickly, but like I said... NOT COMPLAINING...

I tried to take a few steps but when I did my head started swimming, and I ended up back on the bed. I stayed sitting while my head cleared, but I did try moving around. Just to see if everything was working right. Guess I should have tried that before I started to get up but I am not the type to really think logically.

The pain was still there but a lot better when my head finally cleared, and I tried again. I got back up without any problems and managed to the door before having to grab on to my vanity. I listened through the closed door to try to figure out just where everyone was. I could hear toast in the kitchen probably making tea. He always makes tea when he needs to relax or calm down. He is British after all... and I could feel Johnny asleep on the couch through the connection between him and I. I wonder how it was created.

The pain was now a dull ache but I still didn't get up. I needed out, not just out of this room, but out of this house, out of this situation, I just needed out. And if anyone saw me that would be the last thing I'd get. So it's decided then I'm leaving, sneaking out through the only way I can. I going out my window.

My room is on the first floor so I only needed to jump. I usually didn't though because its the farthest from the gate. However, I don't care right now. I need to get out of here. I grabbed my black jacket and opened my window. I was almost about to jump when I remembered my purse. Cant leave without money and a phone, I wouldn't get very far.

It took awhile for my body to recover from the jolt of the jump. But I managed to walk away unscathed, and pretty soon I was ready to go. I spotted Ghost passed out on the couch through the living room window. I could tell right away he wasn't having a very good dream, and It pained me a little.

Don't worry everything is going to be fine, you'll wake and nothing bad will have happened.

He smiled a little after that and the pain in my chest melted a little. I am happy that I can do something good with the connection. Even if it's as small as soothing a nightmare. Just then Toast walked into the room and I had to duck out of sight. I hoped he didn't see me. It's not like I'll be gone long but I do need to be alone.

That's when I heard Ghost scream. My message didn't get rid of the nightmare just soothed it for a bit. I knew the Toast would be there for him but I was a little mad at myself for not being there. Though I knew if I want to be there for him I had to first be there for me. Which meant getting the hell out of here before I was caught. I made it all the way to the gate when I started to feel Ghost's panic. Crud I thought I would have longer. Johnny must of went to see me when he woke up. It doesn't matter he can wait till...

My phone was ringing double crud. I don't want to answer but if I didn't I would worry them too much. No... I decided to do that the minute I jumped out the window. There's no point being in denial, I knew exactly what I was doing. It went to voicemail around the third ring. By that time I was in the booth about to open the gate. That's when the front door open. Seriously why can't a girl go out without having to go through so much trouble? I knew they would hear the gate opening so the minute I was able to I squeezed through, not even allowing it to fully open.

I was around the corner when I felt ghost start to worry again. But this time it was more for why I left and how I managed it. I wonder if it's a two-way connection. Could he feel my feelings? Ugh, even more reason to go to the diner. It's times like this I wish I had a car. Grandmother had let me get my licenses but refused to let me have my own car. I don't see how that works but that's what happened. It was about 4:30 when I got there so it was pretty packed with the dinner rush. Lucky for me they always held a spot for me.

"I heard you got arrested, what for?" Word gets around faster then you could believe, but this was crazy. I told her the story. Not the whole story just the parts after It had happened. Of course, I knew she wanted to know why but she wasn't going to pry. She's a pretty good friend of mine. Alissa is usually working when I come in so we see each other quite a bit. Though I don't know much about her, I never asked.

The entire time I'm there people are asking if I was wrongly accused by the police, or if I was a witness to the crime, or my favorite if I was dating the suspect. I choked a little on the last one which of course made everyone look over at the woman who had said it.

Would we be considered dating, we didn't really talk about it. Sure we confessed our feelings if it could be called that. And we kissed, a lot. But are we dating, and what would Jimmy say about that? I felt a wave of what I could only describe as love. I guess that answers at least one of my questions. I relaxed into feelings ghost was sending.

People started to notice my change in mood. Everyone around me started to joke and laugh and smile. Being here away from everything, made me feel so much better. I will admit the feelings I got from ghost did help a lot.

I was in the middle of my 8th cup of cola when I felt something brush my shoulder. I knew who it was, I could feel him two blocks back. I really was hoping to have some alone time but if I'm being honest I'm glad he's here. We got a few looks from the other customers and much to my surprise they left us alone. I guess they figured who he was by my reaction. I really need to work on my poker face.

"Are you OK? People don't usually sneak out of their own house for some alone time?" He didn't say it loud but I could tell everyone heard what Ghost had said. I know that I'm not normal. Nothing about me and my family was ever normal... But I felt like I needed some normalcy. What's wrong with that?

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened... How I had effected Jimmy and in return the effect he had on me. I don't want anything like that to happen again and it results in something much worse. I don't think I could live with myself if I cause someone I love to get hurt. I don't think I could be in a relationship if I'm worried about hurting my partner all the time. I just don't know what to do? It's not like I could erase everything that happened, and start over... Right? That's not a thing, is it... no, it's not. I just have to figure my life out and do it fast. 

I turned to check the time and caught a glimpse of Johnny in the corner of my eye. I thought I saw a tear fall, but when I looked back at him I didn't see anything. Nothing but a beautiful red sparkle in his bright hazel eyes.

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