29.A Heart to Heart (Toast)

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I followed Jimmy into their private bathroom. He gave me a stink eye but I wasn't about to let him go off and hurt himself more. Ghosts body was still very weak, he was going to need help. I turned on the shower and got towels, as he undressed, except for his boxers, and got in. Don't ask me why he stayed in them. I am a professional but he refused to take them off so. You work with what you're given.  I helped as much as I could, getting the blood off of him. But short of holding the shower head, there wasn't much I could do. When we finally got the blood off, I went to work. He sat there sulking like a toddler, whose parents are forcing him to take a bath when all he wants to do is play. 

I washed his hair using some medical shampoo and handed him the antibacterial wash for the rest of him. It wasn't hard to see he was happy. However considering every other time I'm with him he's tried to kill me, it makes it hard to let my guard down. 

"Why are you helping me?" Jimmy's face was buried in his arms as he sat there in a fetal position. He really did remind me of a child. A crazy murder hungry demon child, but still a child. "I thought you wanted me gone."

"Well, I would be lying if I said that thought never crossed my mind, but that was before I knew just what you do for him." He buried his face even deeper.

"So your only helping me because I keep him alive?" I've never seen this side of him before. He's so much more vulnerable then he lets on. I stood up and left the room. I went through the dressers and the nightstand. I went through the closet and the pockets of all their clothing. I went through Sir's satchel until I found it. I grabbed it and walked back in. There was Jimmy in the tub. The shower off and the bath on. The water rising slowly, creeping up on him as he just sat there. He looked up at me quizzically when he saw what I had. "Why do you have knifey?"

I tossed the knife in the air catching his attention, catching the handle easily. He just looked at me confused. I kept my face neutral and tossed it again, this time higher than the last. Just like the last time, his eyes followed the blade. I could sense his need for it, his need to use it growing with each second. Again I caught the handle no problem. By now Jimmy was slightly twitching, his eyes never leaving his knife. So for one last time, I tossed it back it the air higher than before. His eyes started twitching even more and were starting to slightly glow. This time, however, I caught the blade. Handle out towards him, and the tip pointed at me. I squeezed my hand as hard as I could until my blood was falling onto the floor. Still, my face stayed neutral. I didn't move or anything. I just stood there letting his knife cut into my hand.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" His reaction was immediate. He jumped out of the tub, opened my hand, and threw his knife to the ground. He drags me over to the sink and sets to work cleaning it. His red eyes darting all over for anything to help. I pulled my hand away and held it up towards him.

"I'm helping you because you care. Before you wanted to take that knife and stab me with it." His eyes just widened. I knew exactly what he was thinking before. He wasn't that hard to read when all he wants is blood. "But after you saw me bleeding, all you wanted to do was help. You even threw your precious knife on the floor."

"That was a very STUPID thing to do. I could have killed you."

"But you didn't. I gave you every chance. I didn't even fight you, and yet instead of taking the knife and using it, You helped me."

"You hurt yourself to prove to I care? You two are so flipping alike, it's no wonder your best friends!" Jimmy grabbed his knife off the floor and stormed off into the other room, leaving me to wrap up my own hand. The damage from the Ghost's silver blood made it so the cut didn't heal right away. Though it's not the first time I've been hurt and not have werewolf healing. That was only a recent thing I got. I couldn't help wondering what he meant by his statement, but I knew I wasn't going to get an answer if I asked. I walk back in the room and see him laying in bed staring at the knife in his hands. I just sighed and sat on the bed across from him. "Why do you care? I'm a killer?"

"Yes, you are a killer. One of the worst ones I have ever met." Jimmy just kept staring at his knife like it was the only thing here. "But you are also so much more than that. Johnny knew that. Jessi knew that. Even Spencer somehow knew that." He stopped spinning his knife and looked up at me. " And now I do too."

"But my blood could kill you. I could kill you at any moment." He moves his knife to reveal a small prick on his thumb that began to bleed.

"Yes, you could." He looks up from his thumb to look back at me. "Do you want to kill me?" I ask with a slight smile. He looks back at his thumb, sets his knife on the nightstand, and rubs his hands on his pants. "That, right there, is why I'm taking the time to care. I don't have to. I'm choosing to because you gave me a reason to."

Now I know why Johnny's always defending him.

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