9.Nightmare Pt. 2

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"Jessi, come on get up. We got to go." I opened my eyes once again to find Ghost's staring back at me. I don't know how I got back here, but I knew what to expect. Why was this happing, why here? Is this a dream or... no, it's not. I've never had a plain old ordinary dream. There was always something about it. Uggh but what is this trying to tell me. I got off the ground only to be met with a scornful look.

"What's wrong with you? You're going to get yourself killed. This is why I never wanted to bring you, it's too dangerous. Jessi, you've got to get your head in the game." I was about to snap at him when I remembered something and pushed him on to the ground just nearly missing the rock that hurtled towards us. I turned off my mind went into "act and react" mode. I need to know what it's trying to tell me, I can't do that if I'm dead.

Rock. Dodge. Another rock. Dodge. Car. Slide, hide, run, Rinse and repeat. Johnny stayed close at my heels, moving every time I did. I never saw what was throwing the rocks, but that didn't matter because by that time I thought of it we had made it to the door.

"Wow, that was boring. What no blood? I thought you, of all people, would have been all for a good bloodshed sweetheart." that last word was said with so much sarcasm that it almost sounded like hate. Ok so let's go down the checklist of what it shone us so far. One ... Ghost, check. Two... An unknown enemy, Check. Three... Jimmy, check. I only hesitated a second when opening the door but my body took over and soon we were stepping through. So what now ...

I almost didn't register what was happening. I was no longer at my grandmothers broken home but instead was somewhere unfamiliar. Ghost and Toast lied tied up on the ground, frozen in fear. That's a first, I don't think I've ever seen any one of them look like that. I fell to my knees too weak to stand, lifting my hands only to see them drenched in my own blood. My body so numb I could hardly feel anything. A person stood in front of me, their figure coming in and out of focus. I tried to pull my self up to call on whatever strength I have but on my knees, I stayed staring up at the only two men I have ever loved. I looked down at the floor and there was Jimmy Caskets blade covered in blood. I took it in my hands and as I fell, losing whatever life I had left in me, I push the knife into the hand of their rightful owner. My last breath was not peaceful, it was not kind or easy, but it was without regret. Because during my last breath I saw a glimpse of what came of my actions.

It was of Jimmy killing the one who killed me.

DYW2KMS: Jessi Casket (Book 1)~ Needs Rewriting!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora