Chapter 1 (RW)

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The girl yelped as the door was ripped open. The hinges were torn from the wall, splinters showering the floor. Held by the hair, she was thrown to her thin carpet in the center of her room. She rolled her eyes, running a hand through her scalp.
"You have two minutes, then we leave. With or without you..." I wouldn't mind the latter..."
He whispered the last sentence.
Her mother entered, shuffling over to help her up. She embraced her, a few tears rolling down the girl's  cheeks... rolling down the long scar reaching the span of her jaw.
"Now, lets pack our things now... it'll be alright..." Her mother purred, the girl still gripping her mother's pale blue dress tightly.
She sighed and nodded, grabbing the suitcase from under her bed. She began throwing a few clothes in; including a rather ratty looking jacket, on which her and her best friend drew on a few years prior.
The sirens wailed as she and her family hauled their belongings out of the house. She spotted her companion, struggling with a particularly large box. She ran across the road, her little mutt right at her heels. She grunted as she helped him carry it, using the support of her back.
"Nate.." She croaked out. Her vocal cords had been damaged, about a year ago. It was excruciatingly painful to speak, but that didn't phase her at the time being. He saw her worried glance, and slid the crate off of his shoulders. He put a hand on her and His wife's back. Nora clutched the baby to her chest as they ran through the park... to the vault.
Nate was merely 19 when he decided to tie the knot and marry Nora. She was also a close friend. Although Nate was older than his companion by a few years, he was the only one who would give her a chance at the time of their meeting.  A year later, He and Nora had a beautiful baby boy, Shaun.
"Phoenix, c'mon."
Her birth name was forgotten by her.
There's my little flicker...
Her mother said whenever she returned home.
remember... whatever happens... don't listen to them... don't let them turn out the light...  cover the switch, watch the rain, not in fear of the thunder... but in awe of the lightning.
It gave her the comfort she needed, as her mother would sit at the foot of her bed, wrapping bandages around her new wounds. She would recite the passage every night, as her husband became vigorously drunk at the nearby bar.
You may seem like a small pile of ash, but you Phoenix-
She would always smile warmly and tap the end of her nose;
Will once again rise from those ashes, and become a better person. With each scar he gives you, he digs himself deeper in the already crater-like hole into Hell. Once you complete your schooling, we'll take Nate's family and explore the world, nothing will hold us back anymore...
She wiped a few tears from her eyes as her "father" continued to bicker, even while they ran to the vault. They ran up to a crowd of screaming people, all claiming to be on the list for the vault. Nate and Nora quickly made their way through the crowd, and were checked in with no problems. Phoenix and her family made their way up to the soldier positioned in front of the entrance. He scowled as they shoved through the crowd.
"We need in!" Her mother yelled, pushing her daughter closer and closer into the entrance.
"So does everyone else ma'am."
"But we're on the list!"
The man nodded, looking down at his clipboard. "Last name?"
The soldier held an arm between Phoenix and her mother, pushing them apart. "I'm sorry mam, but the list says only one female and one male under your name. And we do not permit animals"
Her mother froze, she gave a shaky breath, and punched her husband straight in the jaw.
"You know she's not my daughter. Well it's not our problem now, is it? Bombs are dropping, and we have somewhere we have to be."
He grabbed her mother's arm, pulling her to the entrance. Phoenix's world froze, she could hear distant yells of her name. She looked up, but could only see the blurry blotches of color from the tears escaping her eyes. Her head spun. She stood their, silent, slightly swaying. She hugged herself as she slowly backed away from the vault. The crowd wasn't yelling anymore, as they parted to give her a path to God knows where. Her mother ripped out of her father's grip, and grabbed her daughter. She yanked her into the arms of a nearby soldier.
"Get her into that vault, give her my spot." Phoenix cried and thrashed. Her mother put a hand on her cheek.
"Well flicker, it's time for me to go. Don't let them put out the flame." She gave her a kiss on the forehead, right above her brow. She smiled, embraced her one last time, then left. She never looked back. She was gone. Phoenix screamed in protest as the soldier dragged her onto the platform.  They handed her to Nate and Nora. The couple hugged her tightly, repeating the words that didn't seem true anymore...
It'll be ok...

I'm so sorry...(A fallout fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now