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The doctor knelt over Phoenix, applying Radaway and cleaning alcohol in a seemingly never ending cycle. The group all sat against the walls, entertaining themselves in one way or another. Everyone tensed as Phoenix began coughing up blood and a green, glowing fluid. She eased herself onto her elbows, staring into the abyss that now fogged her mind. She couldn't hear anything, really couldn't see anything, and all around couldn't feel anything.
"She'll be alright, but from your brief description in the message, it seems to me that there may be more to the picture that we can't quite see yet. Her blood cells and the radiated blood cells are conflicting. It ties together with the pain, temporary paralysis, and blank mindedness. Her senses are raised during storm's, which is the supposed peak of the effectiveness of the radiated cells. It would explain the constant shifting of the eyes and the reaction to thunder. But something that does surprise me, is that she didn't turn into a feral." They all stared at the doctor in fear, not daring to breath as she finished cleaning her wounds. "This is her first storm;" Amari made quotations gestures with her fingers as she said the last two words;" So it is most likely the worst now. Assuming her body will become used to it, she will be very useful. With the radiation, she will have heightened senses in one of the most common and dangerous situations in the Commonwealth. Perhaps shell be able to control the radiation at will, but it is highly unlikely. But she will have a high radiation resistance, and she practically has one of your pipboys built in. When Rads are present, the cells go into a frenzy, even with the smallest amounts. It's like a form of caffeine. But along with the perks, there are many downsides." She began wrapping her shoulder in thick bandages.
"She will most likely have extreme paranoia, causing her to constantly be looking around and jump at the slightest things. During the storms, things that remind her of before the bombs dropped, things she tries to keep buried in her mind, will be easier to resurface and harder to stay calm when they do. She may have an anxiety attack, and before you say anything, it was quite easy to tell she had anxiety." Phoenix groaned as she pushed herself into a sitting position, beads of sweat forming on her forehead.
"Although she will have heightened senses, she will be weaker during storms. She may occasionally have hallucinations, but only when extreme amounts of radiation are present. Remember, she will have better radiation resistance, but she's not immune. She will most likely feel nauseous and experience migraines after being exposed to too much radiation."
"Damnit" Phoenix hissed through her teeth. The other's attention turned towards her, a collected sigh of relief following afterwards. She rolled her eyes and stood up, making her way to the door. She peered through a small peephole in the door, cracked letting a small stream of sunlight make its way in. Legs wobbling, she pulled open the door, coughing and waving a small clump of dust from her face. She gripped onto the doorway and grabbed her backpack as she listened for any form of threat. She gave a subtle nod towards the stairs, smiling when Mirk squealed and clawed up her pant leg in excitement of her somewhat recovery. They all made their way back onto the broken street, a few stretching out their backs from the long hours of sitting in that basement. Phoenix took a deep breath and ran to a corner shop, climbing onto the banister that once held a sign, and climbing from windowsill to windowsill. She was surprisingly able to keep up. Nick gave the doctor a questioning gaze;"is that the radiation talking?" The doctor smiled and shook her head, giving a small chuckle. "No, that's just her natural enthusiasm." They all laughed as Phoenix hung upside down from a street lamp a few meters down the way. She yelped in surprise as Mirk jumped from where he joined her on the rail, using his claws to grip onto her jacket hood. Phoenix gave an over exaggerated bow (as well as you could give one while being upside down), the others sarcastically clapping and whistling and she reached for the deathclaw swinging from her fur-filled hood. She froze, jumping down and pushing the others into an alleyway. She saw a large group of raiders make their way towards the apartment building. She managed to get them all to crouch behind an old circuit breaker. It was a miracle in itself that no one said anything. She held out a hand, telling them to wait as she silently scaled the other side of the apartment building. They all watched as she leaped from rooftop to rooftop with feline accuracy. She was about a block away, but thanks to the bombs, the buildings were destroyed enough that they could still see her. She held her pistol in the air, holding a traffic cone she had found around it, and shot. The cone amplified the sound immensely, causing even Mirk to paw at the area where his ears would be found. As if on cue, they raiders pulled out their weapons and ran towards the sound, and every once and awhile, blindly shooting into the sky. Phoenix slithered back to the group rather swiftly, and used that time to lower the fire escape for the others. One by one, she helped hoist them onto the roof. They all held a tight grip on their guns, not moving more than a few feet before stopping to check their surroundings. Hancock led the others back to Goodneighbor, while Phoenix went the opposite direction, making as much noise as she could without being caught. She needed to get the raiders out of the area.
Finally. Took her three hours, but she finally did it. While leading the raiders away, they ended up attracting a group of supermutants and a pack of mongrels. She waited out there short fight, sniping the last few still alive. At least she got a few new knives out of it. She shuffled back through the entrance of Goodneighbor, the evening breeze knocking her hood from her head. Along with her black eye and busted lip from the fight with Malone, she had bruises everywhere, and large cut on her cheek, that would probably become a "badass" scar later on. She smiled, spitting at Finn's dried blood still plastered on the pavement. She slowed to a stop, hearing loud drum beats echo from The Third Rail.
She cracked open the door, sticking her head in. She heard a squeak, and a small body latched itself onto her face. Mirk crawled on top of her head as she fell over the abandoned counter. She glared at Mirk, holding him by his tail. She had crashed into a stack of shopping baskets, one resting on her head.
"C'mon Mirk, get off. Giving her heart attacks won't make staying alive very easy." Nick helped Phoenix up,  Mirk using their arms as a bridge. She gave a faint smile as Nick gave her a side hug, leading her down the steps. As they reached to bottom, dozens of smile-filled faces looked in their direction. Hancock stood on top of the counter, clearing his throat and raising a glass.
"To Miss Security." Everyone joined their glasses, repeating him. A small tear ran down Phoenix's face. She finally had a family.

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