Chapter 7 (RW)

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They made it to Goodneighbor. After three more miserable days of traveling, they embraced the excessive smell of alcohol and chems wafting through the air. MacCready jerked his head to the passageway between two buildings, beckoning her to follow as he casually walked past. She would have followed, had a strong arm and an overwhelmingly intoxicated presence not blocked her path.
"Hey there friend~" A deep, Husky voice said. The man's piercing glare burrowing into her skin.
"Wanting to get straight to business, I get it. Let's cut to the chase. I'm selling insurance for a hundred caps. Ya interested?"
Phoenix nervously smiled as she shook her head no, quickly trying to scoot past him. MacCready seemed to be even more ignorant than she thought. He was walking at tortoise speed, trying to light his cigarette. She quietly squeezed past him, getting no more three feet away as he grabbed the back of her jacket, pulling her back.
"Maybe I didn't make myself clear," he hissed, puffs of smoke nearly spewing from his mouth.
"The insurance gets ya out of accidents. And if you don't give me everything in your pockets, ill give ya an accident. A big, bloody accident."
He lifted her off the ground by her hood, practically growling as she cowered into the folds.
"Cmon Phoeni- uh buddy, do you have any idea what you're getting into?"
The man just laughed, slightly shaking her in a taunting way. She huffed, swinging at his torso. It was pitiful, she almost looked like a child.
"You asked for it. Hey Hancock, we've got a situation over here." A ghoul dressed in what seemed to be clothing worn by John Hancock walked walked out of a two story building, casually walking over to MacCready as he watched the scene.
She let out a final growl in frustration, kicked him where no man should, and whipped out of his grip. She dropped into a roll as he grabbed her foot, giving him a good kick in the face. A collective wave of snickering made its way throughout the townsfolk watching. She practically flew behind MacCready, poking out behind him as he smirked at her. She tilted her head in confusion, but he only shook his head and pointed to the ghoul now walking towards to man.
"Now Finn, is that any way to treat a newcomer?" His voice was raspy, cracking in and out as he spoke. Finn, now breathing heavy, jumped to his feet. The only think stopping him from launching himself at Phoenix, was Hancock's firm grip on his shoulder.
"I'm gonna kill that bitch!" He looked her dead in the eye. It was the kind of stare that made your blood run cold, sending shivers down her spine. Within seconds, he had pushed Hancock out of the way, and thrown a knife towards them. If seemingly on instinct, she had pushed MacCready out of the way, and used her own switchblade to intercept the projectile blade barreling towards her. She had angled it directly in the handle. Everyone went silent as they stared it her, but no emotion was shown on their faces. She backed away, her breathing hitched as she saw Hancock seemingly bring him into a hug, only to stab him multiple times in the torso.
"Sorry about Finn, he's not the best welcome committee. You ok?" She slowly nodded, taking a few more steps back, slightly holding out her blade. She was surprised as he chose to ignore it, laughing.
"I like ya already! Let's head over to the Third Rail, drinks on me."
"Ah Hancock, still the coolest ghoul in the Commonwealth." MacCready said, falling into step with them.
"MacCready, still workin for caps is see." MacCready chuckled as he ruffled Phoenix's hair.
"I don't know, I may have to cash out on this one. She's a real handful to work with." She glared at him, once again flipping him off, earning a loud laugh from Hancock.
"Man, you got a spark! I'm surprised MacCready hadn't put a bullet through your head for that."
"I would've, had it not been for the fact my boss would kill me, and she grows on ya." Phoenix proudly smiled, placing her hands on her hips in a heroic stance.
Try me, bullet boy.
She signed as she walked backwards, pointing finger guns at him. He only smirked, surprising for the nickname she had just giving him. She had wondered why he had ignored her comment, as she tripped on a bench, falling on her back over it. MacCready and Hancock burst out laughing as embarrassment seeped onto her cheeks. MacCready helped her up as he snickered.
They walked over to the entrance, Hancock stopping for a moment to talk to the patrolman stationed there.
"Aye sweetheart. Ya want me to help ya down the stairs? Ya seem to need it."
Phoenix growled, holding the tip of her blade to his neck. The patrolman rolled his eyes, using a finger to move the knife away from him.
"Jesus, I was just jokin. No need to get your undies in a twist."
She growled even louder as MacCready picked her up, walking through the entrance.
"Can you please not get yourself killed? I'd really like to keep my ass. Nate would cut it off if anything happened to you." She shook her head as she rode the stairway railing into the dimly lit room.

I'm so sorry...(A fallout fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now