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Phoenix swept the musky floors, occasionally tapping her broom handle along the floorboards. She was told to help clean up afterwards, it being non-negotiable. She gave a small smile as Magnolia drummed her fingers along to the rhythm of her sweeps. They were the only two in the building, so they could slack off a little. Phoenix gave a challenging smirk as she sped up her pace, beginning to hum with the beat. It hurt, extremely so, but she wasn't going to let that ruin her fun. Mirk slapped his tail against the ground from where he lied in the center of the room, it adding another background beat. Magnolia soon caught onto the song, quickly plugging in the microphone and clipping a smaller one onto the brim of Phoenix's fedora. It always was one of her favorites. A swift but somehow calm rhythem, paired with smooth yet powerful vocals. The only sounds were the haunting vocals (Phoenix's humming as backup), and the electrifying beat of the nearby objects they smacked and bashed to create instrument like sounds. Magnolia danced around the room, Phoenix continuing her work, but humming just as loud as Mag's singing.
The song meant more to Phoenix than what was shown. It was the song her mother used to hum as she finished re-wrapping her bandages in her old bedroom. Her old life. One with everyone still here. One with everyone still alive. One where things seemed horrible, but then again, it was when they were oblivious to what was to come. She couldn't help but let a few tears slip free and slide down her cheek, landing in the water bucket she was now using to mop. She stopped humming, slowly following by quietly singing the way her mother used to. Not to high, not to low. Not to fast, not to slow. Not to melancholy, but not too full of hope either. She set down her mop, starring at the floor and dragging the bucket into the back room,her voice never hitching. It hurt, oh god it hurt. But what hurt much more, was the buried feeling that it was her fault her mother was dead. It was her fault she was injured in this way. It was her fault the world went to shit. Magnolia faded out, Phoenix's voice becoming that much clearer as she tied her curl-filled hair back, pulling Mirk into her arms and exiting the room. She didn't look as she walked past her companions (only consisting of Nate and Hancock), who had entered prior to her and Mag's "performance". She didn't even notice them.
Phoenix entered the VIP section, the microphone and her hat falling to the floor as the cord strained to follow her. She still sang, although both her sounds and her breaths were cracked and labored through pain. It was almost pitiful to listen to. Her tears flowed faster, her vision blurring. She gave a few small hiccups in an effort the calm down. She put the dirty glasses on the shelves behind the bar as she reeled in the last few notes of her melody. She only looked up when Nate laid a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you ok?"
She nodded, smiling through her sob-bitten face. She gave a small wave to her co-worker as she laid her uniform on the counter, pulling her jacket on as she left the building.
Mirk slithered around her feet as she walked down the now rain smothered streets. She sat on a bench, the. moisture soaking into the back of her clothing. She didn't mind. If fact, she rather enjoyed the feeling of the raindrops hitting her face and the small pitter-patter that followed. She could have fallen asleep then and there, had it not been for the hooded figures she spotted on the top of a building outside of town. There were only two. They watched her intently and she sat up, placing a hand on her handgun and glaring in a silent challenge. Try me.
She pulled out her gun, aiming it at them as she ever-so-slowly turned off the safety. The darkly dressed one only shrugged, helping the other down from the roof. It was clear to see they were having problems involving their knees and possibly hips. She sighed, re-fastening her gun in its holster, and returning to her room at the hotel.

I'm so sorry...(A fallout fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now