Chapter 9 (RW)

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"I need you to clear out the old warehouses throughout the town. I'm willin to pay a hundred caps for it."
The bartender, White Chapel Charlie requested. He was a semi clean white robot with a strong British accent. Phoenix clicked the pen, quickly scribbling down a few short sentences.
C'mon Charlie, if I'm gonna be killing some people, at least make it worth it. I would do it for a minimum of three-hundred caps. No less.
The robot let out a grumble like sound followed by him picking up another glass to clean. It seemed pointless, as the glasses were permanently stained with the sorrows of drunks trying to escape their problems.
"Fine, but you've got twenty-four hours to get it done. Now get outta here before I change my mind."
She gave an over-the-top salute with two fingers as she charged out of the entrance, earning an eye roll from Charlie.
She decided to hit the one facing main street first, as if she did it in daylight it would arouse questions. The door was locked. She smiled, thinking that a simple locked door could keep anyone out. She pulled a Bobby pin out of her hair, opening it, and popping off the lock with no trouble. She didn't have a gun, unfortunately, but she had grown pretty fond of using a knife. It was quiet and she liked how the many grips felt in her hands. She took a deep breath, and slipped into the darkness.
Phoenix had taken three hours to clear out the first warehouse. The time it took gave her information on the people she would be up against. Thankfully, most of the men were asleep. So it was an easy slit-the-throat and move on. She began regretting taking the job, as she hated killing things, and the smell of blood made her sick to her stomach. There had been a few who were on patrol, but she had bought a few throwing knives from the Kill or be Killed shop, so they were no threat. She missed one at some point though, earning her a nasty gash across her nose. Strangely, he didn't yell for the others. But thankfully that meant that she didn't have half a dozen mercenaries surrounding her.
She had taken another hour and a half to clear out the other two. They seemed smaller, but had just as many men. And there were less places to hide. They were also all asleep. A rookie mistake when guarding. She had never done anything in the aspect of guarding, but she wasn't dumb enough to leave an entire night worth of hours open for ambush.

It was well past dawn now, and many of the residents were beginning their daily tasks. She tried cleaning off the blood she had gathered on her clothes, but it was still obvious that it was there, although it looked old. She decided that it wasn't worth it, and she was planning to stop by Daisy's shop to purchase some more clothing anyways.
She made her way into the bar smiling at Ham as she made her way down the stairs. He stopped her for a moment, alerting her of her angry companion downstairs.
"You did what?!"
" She asked for a way to make caps, and I gave her a way. You should be proud to be mentoring her, she pulled the strings like you did. Started with a hundred caps, and ended with three times that much."
MacCready was arguing with Charlie, steam practically shooting out of his ears.
"Why the heck would you give her that, out of all of the jobs you could've? She isn't ready. She's a vault dweller for God's sake! She'll get herself killed with her ignorance."
MacCready growled and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Ah, speak of the devil. We were just talking about ya." Magnolia said, pushing herself off the wall she was leaning on, and pulling Phoenix into a side hug as she cautiously walked to the counter.
"Well I'll be damned, I didn't expect you to get done so quickly. Considering no one suspected anything, I'll throw in a little bonus."
MacCready looked at her with pure fury, she swore she could see fire in his eyes. She took the case of Nuka Cola Charlie slid to her, arranging them in her bag. He had thrown in extra caps along with her three hundred. She handed the sack of caps to MacCready as she opened up a bottle, quickly finishing it.
"Oh by the way, since you split up that fight last night, we haven't had a single fist thrown. And that's sayin somethin. We can't go an hour without someone being dragged out. So I wanted to personally thank ya, and offer ya a part time job here whenever you want to. Ham would like a break." Magnolia smiled as she offered the position.
"What do you mean, split up a fight..?" MacCready hissed, crossing his arms.
"The girl smacked em both over the head with a metal pan, then dragged them out for Ham to take care of. She's got a strong arm, ill give her that." Charlie explained, he never took his eyes off of the glass he was furiously scrubbing.
"Is there anything else I should know about?"
Phoenix quickly shook her head, cowering as he stared into her soul.
I'm gonna head back to the hotel.
Phoenix quickly signed and spun on her heel, nearly running through the door. MacCready sent the two a glare before following after her.
Phoenix walked at a fast pace, dodging her way through the patrons of the neighborhood. MacCready held a firm grasp on her shoulder, pulling her back to meet his gaze.
"What the heck were you thinking? You could've been killed. You're lucky I don't make you run for a day, because I am still supposed to be training you."
His voice was gentle as he gave a small smirk, her face flushing with fear.
"In fact, I will."

I'm so sorry...(A fallout fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now