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They were now in the outskirts of Goodneighbor. Dimitri and Mirk pestered each other, finding it quite entertaining. Phoenix had attached her cardboard mug to the back of MacCready's hat, the leftover content dripping onto his neck. She would have to stifle her laughter each time he yelled and pointed fingers at whomever was nearest. He was too stupid to reach a hand back.
"Ah looky here, the whole gang made it." Hancock smiled as they filed through the door. Mirk jumped on his shoulders. "Well... The lizard's grown." Mirk stood at towering yard and a half.
Dimitri pulled Phoenix through the alleyway, the others staying back to discuss recent events. They stopped at a large building named the Memory Den.
"Can we go in?"
Phoenix smiled and gave a nod, giggling as Dimitri struggled to open the large door. Mirk hung around Phoenix's shoulders.
"I'm sorry, but animals aren't allowed in here." A elegant woman draped along a crimson chaise said, eying both Mirk and Dimitri. The boy stomped his foot, huffing and blowing raspberries at the woman. Phoenix was quick to pick him up, waving apologetically and tossing a few caps in her direction before dragging him out the door. She gave a swift flick to the back of the head, and they made their way back to their companions.
"So, what brings you to my corner of the Commonwealth?" Hancock asked, a cigarette in one hand and a box of mentats in the other. Nate and Nick conversed back and forth as they entered the Third Rail. Phoenix instructed Dimitri to follow after them, Mirk clinging to the back of his shirt.
You ready?
Phoenix glanced at Mac, holding out the cure with the ghost of a smile melting onto her face. He gave a swift nod and led her to Daisy's shop.

(Yes I know, my chapters have been shorter recently. This is the last short chapter for a long while though so... yay? I've also noticed that my writing quality is slight slipping, so I'll work a little harder on that.
    And is this story easy to follow, or is it confusing? Gimme feedback people. I beg of you! I just want to make this story as enjoyable as possible. And if you have any other questions I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my abilities.)

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