Chapter 2 (RW)

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She silently sobbed as Nora, with an arm secured around her shoulders, led her into the vault. They all checked in without any troubles.
A man impatiently tapped the pen against the clipboard.
"She's 18." Nate cut in. They man gave him an odd look, but let them pass. Her father stayed near the wall, glaring into oblivion. He hadn't come close the entire 10 minutes they had been there. She changed into her vault suit, and made her way into a room filled with large, strangely lit pods. As they walked, the floor shook, and loud booms could be heard.
Phoenix let out a choked sob and clung to Nora tighter as they continued in further.
They were given a brief explanation of how the strange technology functioned, and then were ushered into the pods. She was placed it the pod next to Nora.
She gave a small shudder as the door closed, the air becoming more and more frigid. Strange, the scientists didn't explain this part.
She choked, falling into the metal floor of the vault. She couldn't catch her breath. She clutched her abdomen and curled in on herself, resting her head on the cold floor. Three people surrounded her. It didn't take a genius to realize they were most likely hostile.
"Where are the control panels for the other pods?" A low voice asked, holding a revolver pistol to her head. There was banging from another pod, but she couldn't avert her eyes from the silver barrel a mere few centimeters from her forehead.
"We found it Kellogg!" He grunted turning to the other two. She couldn't even react as he whipped around and shot a hole in her shoulder. She yelped in pain, banging the back of her head against her pod repeatedly.
"Open the sixth pod."
The pod next to her opened, revealing Nora and Shaun.
"And you. Say a word about anything, now, or ever, and this bullet is gonna be lodged between your eyes."
Phoenix yelled in protest, as she latched onto their legs, attempting to stop them. The pounding from a different pod became louder and more persistent. Her heart sunk as she saw them rip the infant from his mother's arms. She heard screaming, and crying, and yelling, and a loud crack. It echoed through the metal room. She started in horror as blood slowly trickled out of the bottom of the pod. She grabbed a syringe from a corner table, repeatedly stabbing it into any bit of body she could find. They jerked her off, holding her against the wall. She snarled as presumably Kellogg came closer.
"Boy, you really are an idiot, aren't you?" Blood fell from her nose, she spit it into his face, squirming under the grip of the pair holding her down.
He made no hesitation as he ripped out a switchblade, launching it into her abdomen. She wheezed, never looking away from Kellogg as he cradled Shaun in his left arm. He used his right arm to twist the knife deeper and deeper
"Have fun in Hell."
Kellogg said, smirking. He pulled out the knife, staring at her straight in the face as he wiped her dark blood from the blade.
"Lets move out."
They all swiftly exited the vault. Another pod opened, followed by heavy panting and small gagging noises.
"Nora! Oh god no. No no no!" Nate hugged his wife as one last desperate attempt to even hear her voice. Her blood soaking into his suit. Phoenix coughed and hacked, struggling to breath as blood dripped from her mouth. She heard heavy footsteps come closer, a shadow looming over her.
"Oh god. My god, I'm so sorry Phe! How could I let this happen.." He repeated the first sentence over and over we as he gently picked her up. She couldn't think straight, as consciousness slowly slipped away.

I'm so sorry...(A fallout fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now