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Wrong room.

The girl got into something she shouldnt have. 
She stumbled back clumsily holding the binders, then realized her best bet was to drop them and run. She removed her foot from the doorway and let it close in on itself. A puff of dust hissed from the paper-like box as she dropped it to the ground.     

       And so she ran, panicking as she heard his pacing footsteps behind her. She was weak, tired from the long day, making her pace slow and grudged as his quickened in a dedication to catch her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, throwing her into the wall. Her head split in pain. They met eyes, and she couldn't help but feel intrigued by the satisfaction in his eyes. An animal catching its pray. She panted- and impossibly, she felt like she was shrinking.
"Now look what you've done. You've distracted me from my research."
"Sir, I'm really sorry. I won't tell anyone. I swear!" Her eyes stung now.
"Of course, because you won't escape."
Her heart dropped.
"What.. are you going to do to me?" she chocked down a sob.

"You don't need to know the details. Think of it as how you belong to me now."

She whimpered as he threw her over his back, carrying her back to the room where his subject now layed dead. She feared him throwing her down onto the ground, she gripped tight onto his white clothing.
"You caused me to lose a valuable test subject. There will be punishment for this."
She winced at his words.

He took the deceased body off the table like it was a sack of flour, pushing it to the side.
He restrained one hand, and this is where she started to struggle. She punched his jaw, taking him back a bit, she knew her mistake immediately. There was no time to free the other hand, he would get her in mere seconds.

He grasped the other hand and tied it back, then the legs. He leaned towards her, putting her head between his leaning arms.
They both breathed heavy. She looked frightened and small, he loved this. His pride grew strongly over her, he craved for her fear.
So he pushed her a little more.
"Perhaps Ill take you home with me. I'll do with you what I please there."
"hm? And what are you to do to stop me?"
She paused, and sunk her head. He walked across the room, typing something into his computer and waited.
"(Y/N) is it? A very peculiar name... So kind of you to let me peak into your file." He taunted. Her lungs hurt, she realized she was choking down on her breath.
"You have a bruise in this picture on your left eye. Where is it from?"

The fear made it too hysterical to lie. But still, it was a vague possibility.
"I.. was punched."
"By who." He asked so blankly.
"A man I work with here.."
Either he didn't catch her lie or didn't care, he looked over it.
"It was a.. stupid accident."
This is when he sensed her lie, the way her voice trickled gave her away.

"Your lies will only cause you more pain."
"You won't do shit." She whispered, louder than she desired. She looked up after a few mere quiet seconds that she viewed as heart-racing as a ticking time bomb counting down in its last few moments, which is exactly what it compared to.

"What did you say." He growled, inches away from her.
"I didn't say.. anything." She stampered and squeaked.
His gaze made her want to break open into an unfixabe concoction of broken glass.
      Though she didn't want to seem weak enough to kill.

He grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled her forward. Though it wasn't an excrusiating pull, she jolted enough to meet face first into his chest. She gasped, he was so warm, and he smelled so nice,

but he was such an asshole.

She pulled back, getting an overwhelming feeling of embarrassment.
"You can tell me, or lie. You'll be punished either way, though every time you misbehave it gets worse for you. Either way, Ill get what I desire."
She knew her face must have been flushed pink.

"It was a bet you see.. whoever won got to punch.. me." She explained, her eyes focused on her feet trying to pretend his bright colored pupils werent casting a flamful stare into her expression.
"I was never told about the bet. But it would be a suprise if someone did tell me.. I haven't anyone close to me, I'm mostly just an isolated corpse."
She regreted the truth, and she had an overwhelming feeling he wouldn't care. Though she sensed his intrest in the story as he studied her.

He released her shirt.
"Good girl. But don't expect any less of a punishment later."
She felt if her arms and legs where released at that very moment, she would tremble in and her fear would collapse in on itself.

Authors note:
Okay so yeah I felt isolated from RuvikxReader and yeah I wasn't in the mood to update His Masochist and no it's probably the opposite of healthy to write out of the random like this but am I gonna stop myself probably not I'm to weak. Love you guys happy suffering❤️

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