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Someone gripped her hair, pulling her back. A firm hand traveling softly up her neck, holding her chin. A rough kiss planted on her lips. A hand gripping her arms in protest of her struggles. And with no point it was, willingly, she would not struggle. It was something of need and desire. She enjoyed this, and in such a dream this was normal, and guilt was just a virtue out of visual sight. Her body lightened under its weight as she was twisted around, facing him. He would pin her, and she smiled a beggars smile. Her eyes burned bright, pleading. She would squirm a bit- having him watch her in a quiet satisfaction- until she got the slightest of freedom. And at this moment, he would dominate her again. Every. Damn. Time.

And with this territory he had over her he would do with her what he pleased. The neck kissing. The ear biting. The soft spoken teases in her ear. It drove her mad, but not in the way you or I go mad. Not in a mad you've experienced. No, she went mad with obsession, with desire accommodated with the unity of there skin and breath.

Selfishly wanting more and more like begging for oxygen with lungs full of roses. She didn't care, and if with mortal boundaries being no more to her than waist of the mind to deal with when she returned- that is if she ever reached the thought. No, not now, not as he leaned into her ear, taking in the pattern of her heavy breathing, and there was not tease rather a domination when he growled the familiar phrase-

"Where the fresh fuck did I put my griddle."

(Y/N) looked up from her bowl of cereal.
"What the fuck, Garrett?"
Garrett looked back to her, at which he almost had his eyes on his lost possession right when (Y/N) spotted it.
"Woah Davy Jones. I don't need customers coming in with you cursing like a sailors captain." He sniffled, looking back to his wall ornaments of pots and pans.
She rolled her eyes, dotting her eyes back at the once appetizing bowl of cereal. She squished the soggy cereal bits with her fork- yes, a fork, and soon dumped the rest down the piling sink.

"Your gonna' waste all that? A good bowl of cereal." His arms on his hips. Vengeance for the wasted bowl of Cheerios.
"You made it for me when I didn't ask" (Y/N) snapped, a bit guilty when she saw the elder man flinch at her words.
"I mean, sorry, its- Im not hungry. I never am in the mornings."

He nodded once then twice. To make up for her sudden outburst she pointed to where the lost griddle hid away and slouched right back in the stool chair. Garrett, now satisfied, fiercely scrubbed the silver pan with gruff hands as (Y/N) dozed off.

She was hoping she could get back to her guilty daydreaming, playing over the dream like it was no more than a disk track. She was done trying to train her brain to stop thinking about Ruben. Fuck it, she loved the dreams, she hated that she lost control of herself and thought about them so much.

She tried substituting the burnt man out for anyone else. Lord, if her mind would except it, she would replace him with herself if she had to. But she had to except that she'll never know why she was so obsessively drawn to him. Perhaps a selfish yearning. She didn't care, it would pass one day.

"So," he coughed and cleared his throat. "Lucky you. It so happens my niece is a pharmacist that, for free on behalf of my insurance, can prescribe you a medication to fix those nightmares your having."

She looked up, and asked him to repeat himself. Instead, he awkwardly explained,
"You might not have told me, I know I'm not the most comforting person because of my realism, but kid, you've been moaning and groaning in your sleep."

She would have reddened if not for his concerned face that he indeed, he actually believed, it was sheer night terrors she was having. Lord have mercy on this man.

She waved him away in her lies, "You fool," she said harmlessly, jokingly.
"Those aren't night terrors. Ive been having migraines and the pain was so bad I barely slept."

He looked at her, a forceful understanding look. Those milky eyes full of question.
Ah, was what he got out, and offered pain killers instead. She nodded, and he loaded her with more questions.

She drowned him with made up responses, fresh from the slurred tip of her mind.
Scraping her fingernails across the wood on the bar, he sent her off upstairs to bed while he quickly drove up to the pharmacy. Because to him, she hadn't slept in days.
Though she supposed the circles under her eyes only darkened with the passing dreams.

So, as she lay in bed, she was receiving another call. Not from Ruben, but from another unknown caller. She picked up the phone with an unpleasant groan.

"Hello, Mrs. (L/N)."
"And who do I have the pleasure to be speaking with?" She spoke ever so dully, pinching her nose and closing her eyes tight after giving them a slight roll.

"Hello dear, we've never met, my name is Mabel. Housemaid of the Victoriano estate, and my master has a grand opportunity for you."

"And whats that." She growled.

"Well, if I may." She innocently breathed in.
"All you have to do is step in the vehicle outside, and we wont burn down the building you are currently horded in."

Authors note:
I dont care what you all say and I dont care how many stories I already have going on I will, i will, make a Stefano Obscura fanfiction when TEW 2 comes out.

I keep updating this fanfic even though I want to update my other ones but this one I just have so many ideas I don't want to lose. Its two in the morning right now and Im tired but for some reason I started writing and I couldn't stop so.. heres Dreamer.

Also, TEW 2 memes are really funny so Ill just leave these two here okay? Okay.

bye everyone goodnight ♥️✌🏻

bye everyone goodnight ♥️✌🏻

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