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He took a life to start a new one, in a hell of his own creation. Ruben Victoriano expected nothing of his fate until beyond his death. But for that girl, he would force life down her throat, disregarding the infuriatingly reckless decisions she lead on. She would live, dammit.

Regardless he hadn't let her go, so she would be forced to let go of him. Soon.

He tortured himself, purely tortured himself by keeping her away. So he made his own versions of her. Doppelgängers that would serve him and do as he pleased, ones that looked exactly like her, but wore red.

He hadn't meant to make them, they appeared from the fabric of his mind. From his cravings and yearnings. They followed him around, trying to tend to his needs. He tried to shoo them away, he didn't need them, he didn't need this. But they resisted, and came back even after they were destroyed. They were a mockery, and he hated himself for it.

He was standing on a ledge, watching (y/n) with that boy....
When one came up behind him.


"I'm so tired, ma'am." The boy whined.

"Shut up." (Y/N) said politely.

"Can we just rest for a moment." He begged.

"What a dangerous question." And it was, when the boy started following her, she let him. She didn't need the company, rather, she did yearn to have a distraction from her thoughts. Even if, regardless of his stupid complaints and questions, she was left alone in her mind to think about the hell that awaited her.

She heard a groan, and a thump. She turned, and sighed.
"What, the hell. Get up."

"But I'm so tired ma'am." He stretched out his hands to touch his toes.

"You're going to-"

She didn't get to finish as a hard body slammed into her, knocking her down.
She grunted, and harshly hit her head on the stone.


"Master Ruben." The doppelgänger said in her deep tone. Ruben didn't move, which gave her the advantage to trace her long fingernails along his arms. He pulled away, how pathetic could he be for this girl, that his yearning has forced his mind to create fractions of her.

Even worse, they could read his deepest desires.

The doppelgänger traced her hand down to his waste, whispering into his ear. He threw her back, and slapped her across the cheek.
She looked back and positioned her head to his. Unaffected by the blow, of course she was. Her glowing red pupils stared into him, extracting his desires.

How he wished he could do the same for (Y/N)

He pulled his eyes away, tried lightening the weight in his chest like extinguishing flames.
But it was too late, her eyes rested on (Y/N) from the ledge.


"She is making you unhappy, master?"

He turned, and tried to extinguish her, but she was already glowing bright with an energy harvested from her own will. Impossible.
"I will remove her!" She hissed, and disappeared into a gust of maroon smoke. Had he finally gotten rid of her? No, it would have been to easy.

Beyond the ledge, something thudded, and (Y/N) grunted.


(Y/N) moved just in time to dodge the attack.
A mallet collided with the concrete next to her. She jumped up, and ducked as the mallet was swung at her head. She wasn't quick enough as it was swung into her legs.
(Y/N) braced herself, but the blow never came. She opened her eyes, and it seemed both of them were surprised to see the mallet had went right threw her. Her body was on the verge of disintegration, she had only moments left.

Her attacker sniffled, and screamed.
"What have you done!" She yelled,
"If you die like this, Master will have to deal with your walking corpse!"

Her head shot up, and (Y/N) couldn't gawk or screech or hiss as her face stared right back at her. The doppelgänger screamed in anger and uplifted a ring of fire around them.

But (Y/N) had already faded into oblivion.

Authors Note:
Ruviks birthday is in six days!!!
NOTHING ELSE IN THE WORLD MATTERS! To celebrate my Ruby turning 41, I'm going to write him a sex scene. XD

cough but seriously next chapter will have smut so here is your warning cough

OH MY GOSH I CANT WAIT!! FIRST SEX SCENE IM WRITING!! (That Im publishing, at least.. on this account.. thats not in rp)

I will also be posting a new story for his birthday. Take a guess what it is XD

And I was going to upload for Halloween I really wanted to because it's a holiday but, it's freaking Halloween and I was busy.

I was a dead steampunk stripper. It took a lot of fake blood and effort to get into that.. fucking.. CORSET!

SCREE I also made an Instagram for TEW and TEW2 which is "the.victoriano.twins"
And it's kinda.. I just update and post stupid things there 😂

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!🖤

Begger: Ruvik x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now