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A violent hunger erupted inside of her, so vigorous she released a deep inarticulate sound through a strained breath, and yet it came out a dead silence from the outside. To relief herself she needed to feast, but it wasn't nourishment she desired. No, she needed blood.

She launched her heel into the side of the girls stomach, they both toppled. (Y/N) pulled herself on top of her, and they rolled over each other for the weapon until (Y/N) made a show of beating the girls face in with the gun itself. The boy stood in place, as if he were confused how he should react.

That didn't matter. He didn't matter. She got up, clenching her muscles to retreat any pain- but there was none. The girl had missed- or the bullet had gone straight threw. Straight threw nothing, because she wasn't and was here at the same time.

No, she wouldn't overthink this now. Now, she needed to find Ruben. Ruben and his dominating eyes and soft hands and rough but caring kisses. She sucked on her lip. A few heartbeats passed, and she realized in a quick moment there were two pairs of footsteps crunching the wet leaves to the dirt. She barely turned her head to see a head full of messy black hair.

He wasn't to follow her, not after she had beaten his friends face in with a handgun.
She hauled, "What in the hell do you want."
His round face creased a bit, "Im not sure."

She waited. Was that it? Im not sure.
She could kill him right now. So easily, so fast, and move on.
Finally, "I maybe want to live, but I need someone to protect me. I have an anxiety disorder."

(Y/N) blinked. And blinked again. Brown eyes stared back, waiting for an input. The regret for beating his friend to death hit her like a marble slab dropped on her head. That would be preferable over this situation, she decided. She supposed she couldn't kill him, knowing there was something more wrong with his brain than just anxiety.

"How old are you, kid?"

A shrug.

"Really? Well, whats your name?"

His mouth opened up a bit, barely enough were his tongue tucked behind his teeth. His lips found each other again, his face lost in contemplation. She remembered. Mental hospital patients, thats who they threw in here. So, he was crazy or stupid, she didn't really care.

She was leaving.
She stalked threw the woods, she might not have killed him, but she didn't have to take care of him. There was no moral law against abandonment in her state of mind.

Then, a white mist, and a burnt figure in front of her. Ruben stole (Y/N)s attention, pulling her forward. But he didn't go for her lips- no, he was going for her neck. He took her close and sunk his teeth into her skin. She yelled and swore, the back of her head thudded against the bark of a tree. He let go, and kissed her forehead with her blood still on his lips.

"What the hell!" She squeezed her neck and gawked. But he was already moving again, hooking her foot and pulling. She knocked into his arms, a cliché move, she wanted to smack him. Then, the world around them died, and resurrected into a realm beyond her. Everything was brilliant white, and full of dark purples and blues twisting in on themselves in the very crevices of the terrain.

She glared into his white eyes.
"Trying to fancy me?"
"Oh, quite the opposite." He rasped, and dropped her.

Dropped her.

She didn't brace herself as she was stuck in place. Cutting air, breaking time, shattering reality. She was stuck in place, falling to a forever unreachable surface. And Ruben stroked her face with a burnt hand.
She shivered at his touch.

"I have nothing to fear when I am the ruler of my own tomb, my own world. Nothing to fear, yet you are still here, altering my sharpest desires, with the softest persona. If you were mine forever Id lay the world at your feet, Id peel the skin off any sycophant who dared try and arrogate you into such selfish possession. I cannot admit such weakness out loud, or my own world would devour me alive. If you were to fall, everything I'm made of would disperse and bow to you, and for nothing. You would be gone; a ghost in the system. I tried to find happiness in this world, foolish, so foolish I was. Enough to think I could pull the fragments of your broken, sensual pieces close to my chest."

Ruben ran his hands threw (Y/N)s hair, and trailed his lips along her neck, feeling her onto him. He took his hands away from her, and dug something sharp into the flesh of her stomach. She couldn't scream, or see what in the hell he was doing. He pushed harder, until the knife went straight threw to her spine. He wrenched it out with grace, so slick and so quick. She finally screamed, and hit a cold surface. (Y/N) jumped up and gagged and screamed, coughing through short breaths.

A gaping hole in her chest that was growing. She couldn't breath.

She squealed, and moaned, but no air came out. Or in.

"You fear me. I can smell it, a deep discomposure. Your desire for me radiates far beyond it, but below that you cower from my subsistence. Theres still that ting, and I will expand it, till your on your knees begging just to get away."

And she was, on her knees afraid. But not of him, afraid of her body disintegrating upon itself. There was a fire ripping away her flesh. A fire that had no color or smoke, just spirit.

And as she watched as her nerves dissolved and her vision chocked itself into darkness, she heard him rasp once again.
"You'll be drawn into a lifetime of insanity, but you'll be safe. Safe from the end,"

She coughed, sitting up from the bed of wet leaves. Rubens voice echoed.
"And safe to a new beginning."

Tears stung in her eyes before the feeling hit her. Ruben wasn't going to protect her, wouldn't help her. She had herself, and even that was fading away. She held her head in her hands.

"Jace!" Someone interrupted. "My name is Jace. Sorry, I didn't forget my own name, my heads just being a little wonky." The boy laughed weakly.

She swallowed, and stared up at the boy.

Then she took out a knife.

Authors note:

Nobody mention TEW2 to me it's officially my trigger word. They LITERALLY DIDN'T HAVE THE TIME TO PUT RUVIK IN? REALLY?? Fuck you Bethesda.

But Stefano was pretty fucking great😆

Even if I didn't get to play cause my computers broke DAMMIT.

Anyway, here is a gift from me to you to celebrate.. today.. because this day will never come again?

Begger: Ruvik x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now