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He forced them both in an old dream of hers. The one guilty pleasures she had to herself, and he was violating it. It felt wrong to visit, as if she were digging up old treasures. And what a random, bizarre dream he chose, never the less she was forced under his will to watch as he explored the dark corners of her mind.

(Y/N) forced herself silent for the car ride, and in her situation it wasn't hard to convince her driver she had passed out.
Just an exaggerated episode of heavy breathing and a final step of rolling her eyes to the back of her head. Doctor Jimenez was convinced and stopped in his ongoing lecture. What a foul man, taking her into such a danger and mentally beating around her for the damage caused to her body. At least now she could pretend to rest.

They came to a stop and the old fellow got out. Moments later a taller, warmer figure wrapped its arms below her enervated shape, and carried her till she heard the opening door and felt the cool room temperature kiss her skin.

Doctor Jimenez explained the situation to Ruvik, and surprisingly he agreed to fix up her wounds.

Ruvik laid (Y/N) on the table, removing her shirt with gentle hands. She felt the cool temperature of the room kiss her chest and Ruviks delicate hands feel the softness of her skin. In the moment, her wounds were more bearable than her forcing away the color that threatened to stain her cheeks. He went away with his work on her. With a delicate, caring touch he cleaned and bandaged her wounds. Jimenez was out of the room she realized, though she still felt obligated to keep the act up on passing out.

After he finished the stitches, Ruvik stood still. A few heartbeats later, he slipped his hand below her waste and used the other to bring her head up to his. He smirked into her neck. He gave a gentle kiss, then another, and another as they followed up to her ear. As he got close he whispered for himself to hear but for her to feel,
"You'll be mine one day, and I'll except nothing other than that. Nobody will hurt you like this, not while I'm alive on this toxic earth."

She couldn't let herself blush, or moan, she couldn't do anything but sit still as he did what he pleased with her.
He kissed up and down her stomach, his hand conveying its way down her chest as the other squeezed onto her hip. She felt his breath release onto her as she allowed herself to shiver in anticipation. Her once cold, frail flesh and skin warmed to his touch. Her body welcomed and calm itself of pain.

She let herself relax, a mistake.
The color stained her cheeks, and she knew her mistake before it even occurred. It wasn't too many heartbeats later for him to pull up her face to his, tilting her head up.
"Look at me."

She had been caught, or maybe he was just testing her. No, this never happened, not in her fantasies.

So when she would open her eyes a heartbeat later, it would all be real.

She opened her eyes to match Ruvik's. He cupped her face and rubbed his nose against her jawline. He traced the edges of her waste, she didn't dare close her eyes again. He made a small noise that could have been a laugh.
"I've found you. Every part of you, and made you watch as I found the parts you tried to hide away." He whispered.
"If this is an act of shaming me, I have no doubts you have had worse in mind of me."
She laid out her bait.

Ruvik stood still, then looked up at her again,
"I will not deny you of that. Perhaps rather then showing you up to your conviction, I will let you feel it for yourself."

Authors note:
You're damn right I didn't edit this my eye hurts from looking at my phone for so long and oh yeah I lived threw the storm guys. Sorry it's been so long usually I write at night but eh, recently nights have been a living hell for me cause like vampires I get super powers at night but instead of flying and sucking peoples blood I get anxiety and sleep deprivation.
Anyway I hope you guys were safe during Irma (my tree fell into my FUCKING pool) and yeah, thanks for reading😄♥️

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