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"She is ready."
"Sir, she is to raw. And we have yet to study her brain patterns-"
"We are short on time. These tests are useless. We are picking up everything we already know."
"Enough. It is time for phase two."

They treated her like royalty.
They gave her a room, and the will to freely roam around the building. They fed her, and let her eat as much or as little as she wanted. Of course it hit her this is the kind of treatment a child would get from their parents or an elder from a nurse. They where taking care of her, fulfilling basic human needs (to an extent, she still couldn't go outside, or talk to anyone). It was confusing, but she didn't complain much. After all that has happened, she felt safe, yet anxious.

Of course, they weren't taking care of her for good heart. They wanted something from her. Countless confusing days of being sat down and asked questions to specific to be arbitrary. She answered regardless, some answers more sarcastic or serious than others.

On the tenth day, they sat her down. She never cared to look forward to anything, but today, she had a faint daydream on what else they could possibly ask her. They knew more information on her than her own Mother.

They knew about her brothers, and how they once cared for her before giving her away. They knew about Garrett, and how regardless of his rising suspicion of her, he was a sweetheart. They knew about the murders of Beacon she caused, the sexual abuse, and the dreams. On top of that all, they knew about June, her twin, and even though the media cant find even a single scrap of evidence about her disappearance, (Y/N) knew exactly where her dear sister was.

There are some things that it seems humanity will never figure out, like something is preventing it from being revealed. Whatever the case, June's whereabouts were one of them. And even Möbius would get the same answer from
(Y/N) as the media.

As (Y/N) waited for the lady to come in, she grew bored, and got up to walk around. After messing around with a few things, she made her way to the door across the room. The door that yanked curiosity from her, it was a door after all, there is a realm of infinite possibilities beyond it.

Or just a broom closet.
She thought.

She yanked open the door, expecting it to be locked, but once again, life was one to surprise her. There were monitors and medicines, and a chair that looked akin to a torture device. Being decorated with straps and locks of sorts.

"Ms. (L/N)." A soft voice cooed.
She turned to Myra.
"What the hell is this room?"
"That, Ms. (L/N), is step two."
"Excuse me?"

She ignored her, gathering her notes.
She made her way to the girl, opening out her hand toward the room.

(Y/N) hesitantly obeyed. She got in and, not surprisingly, was talked into being strapped to the chair. She did not agree. Not without layers of questions over the ones that remained in her head.

"Whatever you people want to do to me, think of something else."
"We simply want to examine you."
"Don't give me that shit. A doctors visit is an examination, this shit is human-"

"Ms. (L/N)," Administrator said, taking a step in.
She cocked a sarcastic laugh.
"Oh, decided to visit?"

He did not react.
"We have cared for you in a way nobody else could."
"Wanna bet." The thought of Ruben stirred her mind.
He ignored this. Whistling in more workers.
A dot up from his hand to her, and they forced her down. She didn't bother struggling. She had done this to many times.

"We expect you to pay us back in return for our services." Administrator lectured.
(Y/N) used a free hand to give him an obscene gesture over her shoulder.

She was strapped down to the chair. She hissed as the straps hugged her wrists to tight for comfort. Administrator circled around her.
"We are very reasonable people, Ms. (L/N)."
"Im strapped to a fucking torture chair."
"Not for torture, Ms. (L/N). Our torture methods aren't so credulous."
"Wonderful. So what am I?"
"Well, we wont know till we pull you out."

Im not editing this bitch so don't expect it to be all dancy fancy when I dumbass had to hurry up and finish, my God Im tired.

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