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I need full control over her, if not she may just shift under my commands. I've showed her what I have done to patients, the brutal, horrable things I find deliberately satisfying, and that she finds terrific, it was her weak spot at first, now I fear she has none at all. She thinks she can rebel against me. I can lock her up in shackles, restrain her arms above her head, and stitch shut that pretty mouth of hers in an instant. Yet why haven't I?

Somehow, however it came to mind in his pernicious sense, the man know as Ruben found to show the girl some mercy when he found she had created a bigger mess for herself after her bathing. The girl had thrown up on the floor, funny how she was still to clean up the overflowing water and the last thing he expected when he walked in was this. The girl hadn't eaten in a while, so what was put in her body to cause this?

She looked up at him with pleading, apologetic eyes. He sighed, she was still in a towel when he basically picked her up and laid her down on a bed to rest. He went back to clean the mess himself. When he was done he went back to her room to satisfyingly finding her still in bed. She looked like a corpse, she laid asleep.

He whispered her name and gave her shoulder a slight shake. The sudden peacefulness he has never seen in her before gave an approval that she was indeed past out cold. He then hesitated, and kissed her forehead before exiting.

Though a betraying voice spoke, "goodnight to you to."

And we was out. Heading to make progress on his research for the night. Though he didn't get far, his body ached for sleep, and his mind had dancing images of her face.
He soon gave in, laying his head on his desk and watching the dark invade him.


To his luck and poor luck, he awoke to banging on his door, though it only awoke him, not the girl.

He opened the door, groggy and angered.
"Im here for the.. waste." Jimenez lowered his voice. Obviously, he was referring to the bodies of the newly butchered patients dropped off days before. His anger died down.

"Of course, of course." He waved him in.

After collecting the three bagged corpses into a large truck, Jimenez faced towards him.

"I thought you said there where four."
Ruben stumbled. He had forgotten, and completed abandoned, his plans.

"You must have misheard doctor." His features where calm.

He now looked even more worried than before.

"You specifically told me about the young lady you captivated after unfortunately discovering your.. working academic."

Ruben faced away from him, and just then an alarm system went off in his working space.

"I remember nothing of this."

The doctor grabbed his shoulder.

"Ruben. If you are keeping this young lady for an assortment of.. secret pleasure we cannot have an unrestricted female parading aro-"
He snapped back, angrier than ever towards the doctor.

"Would you be accusing me of keeping her for such a vulgar intent, doctor."

"Her? So you have shared a connection for this young lady."

Ruben was about to object, perhaps even give the doctor a good slap to the face, though a feminine voice spoke,

"Don't worry, ill turn it off." She held tight to the rail as she sank down the steps one foot after the other, her tone annoyed and groggy. She was, of course, referring to the alarm clock going off, still singing its drumming tune both the men had forgotten about in their argument.

Jimenez looked to Ruben, then went to the car to bring out two patients. One stayed in the car, one that was supposed to go in for tests.

"Perhaps you will come to your senses. Next I come, Im hoping to collect three bodies. That should be the sufficient amount."

He said nothing more as the men got in the car and drove off.

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