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Domination of will isn't enough, the patients continuously and repeatedly cling onto an urge, an instinct. They lead by it, and yet I never expected it would become an issue with my own self. Psychology has taught me more than enough about myself and my own thought process. I know what I am. But what is she, and why has it altered my thinking? My work? Why have I led myself on to confusion, why now? I'll find her, then Ill decide what to do with her. I let her go, I assured myself. It wasn't enough. It never was.

"Hold her down. Don't hold back if it hurts her." The mans voice spoke.

Desperate inhuman screams rattled threw each soul in the musty milk white room. Toiling, throwing, and tussling of scrawny fists and arms and legs vibrated furniture and threw back workers footing. A familiar forceful grasp forced her into submission, she had been threw this hell before.
"Get off of me!" She moaned and screeched in fear, in desperation. Her voice shattering threw commands.

Half a month of freedom is what she took and received, half a month till she was thrown back in there grip, a twisted slit of time, Gods playing card. She wrenched her arms away from the two shorter workers. Transitioning, throwing them onto Mabel.

"YOU- YOU told me," The workers reached for her, but the administrator held up a hand, observing. "your master was Mr. Victoriano."

Mabel looked to the administrator, then to (Y/N). "He is, and a strict one. But, sometimes we woman of business have to take extra jobs to help feed information to the main ones." She spoke without hesitation, almost as if they fed her this lie to satisfy her guilty questioning.

(Y/N)'s red rimmed eyes captured challenge. Her teeth gritted, she slammed her head into Mabel's. They both shot back in pain. But she wasn't finished, (Y/N) dug her nails into Mabel's soft skin and scraped, clawing at her. Obviously, she was pulled off immediately.

Finally, the staff strapped her down to the chair in an infuriating effort. The administrator slowly walked up, looking down upon her.

"(Y/N) (L/N). You've put us threw quite an expense, for such a small, scrawny, pathetic thing. We expect you to pay us back for it."

"Fuck you, Ive had enough of this I can kill you right here."

"You forget who your talking to. We will be willing to cooperate with you if you are. I advice you make this easy."

"What do you want from me." She shook her head, shut her eyes, and screamed.

"Your strength. Your vengeance. Your will."

And with that, a slight nod from him caused the light up of the screen. A series of images flashed threw the monitor. The girl moaned and shifted, the administrator delicately turned her face directly to the screen.

"Welcome to Mobius."


Ruben Victoriano had enough on his mind to deal with. With the thought of the girl clouding over his research, he grew frustrated. Sometimes he imagined killing her over and over in his head. Other thoughts involved the illusion she would find her own way back to him. Other thoughts were more pervasive.

If that wasn't enough he has not seen a sight of his housekeeper in weeks! Perhaps, there was a medical emergency he was not made aware of. To be frank, he felt he needed the company of little Mable. She lit a mood somehow, a mood that annoyed him, yet lit a match in him somewhere to.

The closing of the library door sounded.
He smelled her scent before he even turned, (Y/N)'s scent.
"Mr. Victoriano" Mabel spoke. He held back a scoff, displeased.
"And where have you been off to?" He spoke, to quiet to sound angry.

"Turn to me. Now."
A command? From his own housekeeper?
He obeyed, if only to snap on her, being more than willing with his rising frustration.

"Excuse me?" He hid the shock on his face. Just stared. "Those scratches on your face. Who are they from."

They both knew the answer.

"Oh, Mr. Victoriano I believe we are past this now."

"Who are you." He had let himself be played a fool, in his own home.

"My name is Myra Castillano's. I work for Mobius, and we have a past patient of yours we would gladly.. treat kindly under our circumstances. Under your cooperation."

He turned back to his shelf of unread books. A threat to torture (Y/N) if he didn't give them what they wanted, he would give them hell.

"Where is she." He hissed.

"Somewhere safe." A lie, a silent lie.

He scoffed. "If you put her threw any pain, Ill ruin you."

"Its not my call."

"What do you want." He demanded.

"Oh, Mr. Victoriano. You know exactly what we desire."

Authors note:

I was gonna update on the Fourth of July but I hate this countr- no just kidding I didn't have the time.

And I was gonna update for aydeepraysfordahmer birthday but I didn't get to that either.... but Happy Birthday Aydee here's your present! A chapter with administrator! Happy Birthday 🎉
(Its also 6:56 am in her country and I don't think shes awake yet and I told her this would be up by 9:30 am so... sneak attack chapter!! Muhaha)

Anyway, happy late Fourth for some of you American fucks out there. Im gonna try to update His Masochist next so hold up🖤

Okay bye tew fandom kids👋

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