Chapter Three

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Kioni's POV;

The morning sun had risen from behind the mountain tops.  

My neck was aching so much. Our room was secluded.



Oh yeah back to the neck..I had a bite mark on my neck. 

I found more but that's a different story. My hand wondered to a warm dip in the bed. He was gone. Or so I thought. He came out with a towel wrapped around his waist and he had another one that he used to dry off his hair.

My mate.

My sexy mate.

My handsome mate.

MY life.

His eyes shone like he was a God. I finally noticed that I was staring to much.

His eyebrows furrowed, he cocked his head to the side and said;

'Staring is rude you know.'

Obviously I knew he was joking. I smiled the dopiest smile ever! When he had finished drying off; he grabbed his clothes from couch and started changing....right in front of me. 

I held up my hand to cover his lower half.

He chuckled and said; 

'We are mates. You are bound see me naked so no need to cover your face.'  

My face was burning up in red! I could feel it; why did he have to say that?!

It was casual for men of our generation to think with their lower half...always. When he was done; he held me in his arms so tightly, it felt so good to be in my mate's arms. Our mates arms I mean. My wolf wanted to come out again. She thinks its only fair for her and his wolf to halve their fun.

No. No Way. Not Yet. Not Now. I was still in a vest stop and shorts and for a strange reason I had his scent all over me...not going to bother lying; it smelt so good! I didn't block him out from the mind link so he heard everything I just thought about. Great.

I was trying to play hard to get but I obviously let my guard down. I let him stay over! He smiled and revealed his pearly whites....woah emphasis on whites! His teeth were beautiful...he was beautiful. I felt my body been raised from the bed. This guy grabbed me by my waist and threw me in the air! Just like that. I couldn't help but scream; but it turned into laughter after 30 seconds in the air.

'Nik,' I was wheezing trying to get my breath back, I just couldn't stop laughing;

'Put me down right now.'

'Okay; if that's how you want it m'lady.' He gladly caught me in his muscular arms, spun me around 3 times before dropping me on my bed.

'Tell me about your parents; I want to know about them before I meet them.' Niklaus said as he stroked a few strands of hair behind my ears.

*'KIONI HE IS OUR MATE AND HE MUST MEET THE ALPHA AND LUNA.'* My wolf said. She is so fucking firm when it comes to her mate. My mate. Ours....

'Okay whatever.'  

I said rubbing my temples.

'What's your wolf saying to you?' Niklaus chuckled; how did he know my wolf was talking to me? Questions, questions, questions!

Bitten By The Alpha [ON HOLD AND EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now