Chapter Twenty

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A/N*; Hey! So so sorry for the wait! - my exams aren't finished though! I'll try to update earlier! More characters are coming in! Ryder,Kale + Grandma Adamms! I refuse to tell you what chapters they are going to debut in! You must read to find out ;) - I think there is one 5-7 chapters left of this book :( , going to start a new one about Superheroes...but I don't know what to call me? So yeah here is the chapter, vote&comment! Before that....who's your favourite character so far? Team Niklaus? Team Cain? Team Kioni? Team Izzi? Team Elizabeth? Team Vince? Or Just Be Team Edward-Jacob like me ;)


• Kioni's POV;

I choked on that horrendous rag again. The vile taste filled my mouth as I struggled to spit it out.

Finally, after a number of unsuccessful attempts, I succeeded. I was glad it was out of my mouth and on the floor, I sucked in air and looked around in horror.

Inside the tiny, cramped cell; i sat on the floor along side my girls. All of us had been taken by tall, dark haired men, and had been in the same van as we had driven for hours to God knows where. Finally, we were thrown in here- where we had been sitting for who knows how long. That bitch Vince was behind it!

Suddenly, the cell door banged open. All the girls, including me, jumped in fright. When Vince strode in; I wanted to destroy him - an evil glint in his black eyes, he was the dick who had kidnapped us, he was the one who gave orders for us to be locked up in a cell, when he came closer we all shuffled backwards - despite the constrictions of our hands and feet being tied.

He looked around at all of us as more men came in. My eyes widened as numerous, horrific, circumstances played in my mind.

They had came to close for my liking, the girls tried screaming against their rags; but it wasn't necessarily it was growling the largest of them all came for me ; I released a blood curling shriek that could set someone's teeth on edge and struggled to move away from him.

They threw us over their shoulders and carried us into an elegant main hall. The room was beautiful, but I would have rather came here on good terms. This moron put me on my feet on the cold stone floor. My butt felt like it had been shoved in the ocean.

I started shivering, they had taken my shoes. You kidnap me and then you take my shoes? That is really polite! BITCH!

Suddenly, the double doors across from where we came from opened, and I froze because through those doors walked the most beautiful people I had ever seen....other than Niklaus. They were pale, very tall and well built, with short, clean cut black hair, their skin was smooth and their lustful eyes caught my attention.

After them came 3 boys...teenagers. They looked like they were 14 but they were the most striking boys ever!

But there was something different about them.

They all looked the same, very tall and powerfully built, with black hair, russet skin, and dark eyes. All I wanted to know was why I was here.

An old man came into the room; while the others including Vince bowed in respect. I was guessing he was Vince's father. By just the look of him, he looked wrong in so many ways. He looked sleazy, spiteful and weird. Must be a gene.

"Is this what you've called me about?"

He asked, raising an eyebrow. The one who had brought me in here straightened and nodded.

"Yes sir. It was Master Vince's orders." He looked over at us with sympathy.

"Hmmm." That was all he said before walking out. Rude. The younger boys were looking at us with dark, brooding eyes, their glares were so intense. They sent butterflies through my stomach.

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