Chapter Five

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Chapter Five; 

. Niklaus's POV;

The blood of my mate was all over my hands. Even if i washed it off, in my eyes it will still be there. Why did i bring her out? She told me that it would attract other wolves and i didn't listen. Her being shot was my fault. I found out that the man that shot was an escapee from a high security mental institution . So much for high security. Seeing her on the floor felt like someone had sliced my heart into a dozen pieces i couldn't take it anymore. Izzi&Rebekah&Kailani got to the shopping centre so quickly it was unbelievable, things they do for each other. Rebekah came to me and placed her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

'You go home and come back to the hospital in an hour. We'll watch her.' She said, offering me a smile.

I accepted it and said;

'I can't leave her like this. She is shot because of me.' A look of anger and disgust spread across her face. She began to speak through her teeth, she said;

'Don't fucking say that! The rogues are the problem. We will get them.'

I nodded and headed home. I quickly ran to my study and made a few phone calls to find out the details of the rogues and un mated males that were at the shopping centre. I felt my leg vibrate, i was guessing it was my phone so i pulled it out and looked at the screen. It said unknown number so i answered it anyway.

A sinister voice spoke and said; 

'Hello Niklaus, listen to me and listen well; my pack, the Dawn Moon have declared war on your pack. You killed my brother, Lucio.'

I wasn't really scared because my pack was one of the biggest in the country; it had 352 members, male and female. And we would have help from other packs aswell.

'Who are you?' I said looking very curious.

'I'm the one who shot her.'

The line cut off just when i wanted to give him a few of my words.

Lucky Cunt.

I didn't bother getting into my car; i packed my bag, shifted mid stride and ran for just a matter of minutes and i arrived at the hospital. I shifted back and went inside. The receptionist started twirling her hair when she saw me and i knew i could get around her in a heart beat.

'Hey handsome.' She said chewing a piece of gum that didn't seem to be working, her breath smelt of coffee and cigarettes.

'Hello, I'm here to see Kioni Carter.' I said waiting for this bitch to reply.

'Just down the hall hun' she winked at me , and i couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. She's like what 60?!

I reached the room, and everyone was crowding round her bed. Her pregnant mother, a furious looking father, sympathetic friends, my wolves and her pack doctor too.

I walked in and cleared my throat loudly so everyone could know that i had something to say.

I was knitting my fingers before i began to explain;

'The man who shot Kioni, he's declared war on our pack. I killed his brother because he tried to go for Kioni. They are called the Dawn Moon pack. Anyone heard of them?'

Literally as soon as i said the name of the pack everyone's faces turned pale. It was like all the blood had left their faces. They looked silver. 

Bitten By The Alpha [ON HOLD AND EDITING]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant