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{6.25 am, school in 1 hour time}
k.t.h's pov

I woke up to the sound of screams and loud bangs on the door. It was the landlord here for his monthly rental payment. I groaned in frustration and stress, exams were in two weeks time and I still have to work part time to pay my rent.


I covered my ear and rushed out to the front door and opened it only to be greeted by the sight of a angry landlord

"Yes?" I replied uncertainly and was scolded by the landlord for owing him 3 months worth of rent. He said I have only until next week to get cash. How was I suppose to get that much in only a week? I was in dilemma

"Ugh," I wanted to scream from all the pent up frustration. I walked to the only bathroom in the tiny little house I rented and took a cold bath. The cold water helps me to de-stress.

Thoughts ran through my head because my life was as messed up as my face and I decided to dry myself and get dressed for school. I got out from the bathroom and walked to my room and looked at my wardrobe. I stared at it for awhile before picking a black velvet choker to go with my white sweater and black skinny jeans. I went to my dressing table and combed my hair before applying eyeliner and grabbed my socks and bag and went out.

"If only I hadn't told my parents I was gay," I said out loud to no one. Yes I was once rich but then I told my parents I was gay and got kicked out, resulting in me living in small apartment that could barely be categorized under a living environment with all my old furnitures from home, or at least used to be home.

{10.35am, break time}

"You know,if you're in need of cash,you can just ask me,I'll be willing to help you," Jin hyung said. We were currently in the canteen and I'm starving but I'll just watch Yoongi and Jin hyung eat because my wallet is as empty as my heart. Jokes.

"No, it's fine," I assured Jin hyung "besides, I have one more week, I'm pretty sure I'll have more than enough money to pay the landlord," I replied nonchalantly. I could see Jin hyung's tense shoulder slower start to relax until Yoongi hyung decided to speak up. Asshole

"Then why aren't you eating some of them yummy ass food?" He said with style. Ew, I looked at him in disgust and the only thought that went through my head was 'douchebag'

"I'm pretty sure I can get money,besides I ate a heavy meal before I came to school, and I'm not a person with a big appetite," Lies, I told myself. I could even eat 3 burgers if you gave me. Of course, I did mention only if you give me.

"We'll see then," Yoongi said as he took his last bite of burger. I looked at him. Clearly annoyed by the fact that he was being a dick. Sad life for me because Jin and Yoongi hyung were the only close friends I had since young even though they make me wanna stab them sometimes, I still love them. Ew, cringey, like me.

"Oh trust me, dickhead, I will be able to pay, not a cent less," I said confidently, my voice not wavering one bit but my heart was calling me a liar.



short short chapter, oopsies. i'll update tomorrow, it's a promise

【Landlord 》Taekook】Where stories live. Discover now