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{8.35 am}

taehyung was applying eyeliner when someone started banging on his door loudly which caused taehyung to move his hand and draw a stroke down from the eye to his cheek.

"what a great timing to come collect the money!" taehyung said to himself sarcastically. One thing about taehyung was that he was born sarcastic. He either dies from not being able to pay his rent or from being sarcastic at the wrong time. At least that's what he keeps telling his friends and of course, himself. Grabbing a tissue and cleaning away the black streak across his cheek and went to open to door and immediately felt smaller when he saw the landlord's red and angry face. Triggered. Was what taehyung thought when he saw it and mentally laughed.

"Its one week already, where is the rental money?" The old man bellowed

"Uhm, it's currently unavailable?" taehyung replied, more like questioned.

"Please pack your things,I'll give you 4 hours to get everything packed and into the truck that we signed a contract with," The old man said,turning around and walking away from taehyung.

taehyung was beyond triggered.

{12.35 pm}

Exactly 4 hours later, the landlord came back accompanied by the moving truck. taehyung was lost, he had no where to stay.

"Hey kid, pretty sure you don't have a place to stay. I know you still owe me 2 months worth of rent but I'll let it go because I understand how much you messed up in life. I know an old friend that would rent you his apartment and he's usually very patient, how bout that, punk?" the landlord asked taehyung who was trying to process all the information.

"YES! YES! YES!"taehyung started squealing like a maniac in a high pitch tone. This was typical taehyung and how he reacts when he's happy

"His number is 6969 3434, call him later and he'll tell you the address. Just say that mr im's friend and that your name is kim taehyung. I already told him about you. Then he'll tell you his address," mr im or we know him as taehyung's previous landlord said. Though his heart breaks a little at the loss of 2 months worth of rent, his voice was laced with happiness at the thought of finally being able to get rid of taehyung. Taehyung, for once, was grateful to mr im and found him kind. That was of course until mr im started shouting

"well, what are you waiting for?? Get out of here already! Shoo, shoo!"

'What.The.Actual.Tic.Tac. i'm not a dog, why the hell is he treating me like one? whatever, he's not kind, i'm back to hating him because he shouted at me,' taehyung thought, walking away from mr im. taehyung rolled his eyes as he started ranting about how much of a dick mr im is in his head.

'why is he such a big dick when his dick is obviously is the size of a tic tac?' taehyung thought, again, to himself as he started scowling. Hot.

It has been an hour after taehyung kinda got kicked out. He was walking to starbucks. But wait, how is he able to buy starbucks but not a 3 dollars burger set in school? We don't know and we may never know.

taehyung dung his side pockets and finally found his wallet which was almost empty because it only carried his starbucks card which was also, almost empty and only 17 dollars worth of cash.

taehyung sighed, he was broke and he knew it.
taehyung never regretted life as much as he does now.



another short, short filler, sorries. today was so shitty. i almost gotten detention for almost being late,forgotten my apron for class,didn't know there was a test and i thought this chapter was deleted because i'm using two phones now. i'm praying my day doesn't get worser. i'll update again tomorrow,i promise. taekook will meet in the next chappie,really :)

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