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(8.45 am)

today was taehyung's last day of school before going on a 1 month break, which also means; being able to see his boyfriend everyday, for a month.

'wouldn't it be hot if he fucked me on that table.' taehyung thought as he felt himself getting harder. he stared at the table and memories from last night came flooding back, this caused taehyung's cheeks to flush crimson red.

sneakily taking out his phone from his bag, he scrolled through his contacts and stopped when he saw his boyfriend's contact. clicking his number, taehyung started typing.

chat: jeongguk💓💕

taehyung💓💕: hi daddy.

jeongguk💓💕: hi kitten, daddy's having a meeting rn.

taehyung💓💕: sowwy daddy...
i'm just................

jeongguk💓💕: you're just what? are you alright? are you sick? tell me now.

taehyung💓💕: i'm horny, daddy.

taehyung looked at his own message and his eyes widened. he panicked and internally screamed. quickly pressing the exit icon, he went to his class chat to copy down the entire bee script and sent it to jeongguk.

taehyung💓💕:[bee movie script]

jeongguk💓💕: what.the.fuck.kim.taehyung.
you made me scroll through that shit just so i can read your previous text¿????¿??
daddy's gonna punish you so hard tonight, you're not gonna be able to walk for days
not that it matters since today's the last day of school
i have to go back for my meeting, see you later, kitten

leaving his boyfriend on read, taehyung quickly kept his phone in his bag and touched his cheeks, it was flushed and burning. groaning to himself, taehyung raised his hand up high as the other one held his cheeks.

"yes taehyung?" his literature teacher asked.

"may i go to the washroom please?" taehyung asked politely. his teacher nodded her head and he excused himself for the school's yucky bathroom.

'ugh, does the cleaners even clean the bathroom?' thought taehyung as he pinched his nose and held his breathe. looking at his cheeks in the mirror, he found it much less redder than before and quickly ran out the toilet.

taehyung took in big breaths as he panted. 'i thought i was going to die from lack of clean oxygen.' he thought when he bumped into someone. taehyung fell to the floor and hit his butt which caused him to let out a sharp squeak from the pain, his butt still hurt from last night and the fall made it worse.

"here." taehyung saw a hand being lowered down and ushered him to take it. waving his own hand he stood up with much difficulty and looked at the person in front of him.

"what are you doing here?" taehyung said with a sassy tone and crossed his arms. he looked at the person in disgust. it was hyungwon, his admirer. not that taehyung hated having admirers but hyungwon was different. hyungwon would stalk taehyung home and took his things and everytime they changed in the PE room, hyungwon would snap pictures of him, whether he was shirtless or not.

"your cheeks was really red just now so i came to check if you were alright." hyungwon said as he placed his hand on taehyung's shoulder. taehyung looked at the hand in disgust and shrugged it off hardly, causing hyungwon's fingers to pulled taehyung's collar done to reveal the hickeys jeongguk gave him.

"what are these?" hyungwon asked as his fingers went to touch the hickeys only to get his hand swatted off.

"hands off bitch." taehyung said angrily and made a mental note to tell his jeongguk what was happening now.

"tell me, what is this." hyungwon demanded in a pissed off tone. taehyung snorted and said; "i'm not your property, why should i tell you?" and got pushed against the wall, harshly. taehyung whimpered front the pain and looked at hyungwon with dark eyes and pulled his collar in anger.

"fuck off, asswipe, you're not my boyfriend so stay the hell away before anything serious happens." taehyung warned sternly before pushing hyungwon away and jogged back to class.

(10.45 am)

"class, you're dismissed for recess, please remember to do your holiday homework and give to me by next month." the class groaned and taehyung face-palmed.

"if you fail to do so, or if you hand up incomplete work, you will be given detention. that's all for today, have a nice holiday." the class cheered loudly after their literature teacher walked out.

'god, two hours of boring literature, i feel like death now.' taehyung thought. it wasn't the fact that taehyung detest literature the most because of how useless it was in life but because he hated how his group members would always choose someone else from their team to be the debater and so far, taehyung was the only who never had the chance to speak,all he did was take down notes of what his team members said, super bo-ring. he also hated how he would have to write paragraphs using the PEE method and ended up failing even though he put in a lot of effort. growling to himself, taehyung thought of how wonderful life would be without literature when he was interrupted by a cough.

"ahem." taehyung looked up from his book to look at the source of noise only to face hyungwon. taehyung rolled his eyes and said; "need some cough syrup for that?" of course the answer hyungwon said pissed him off.
"your come will make it feel better though." taehyung looked at him in disbelief and disgust and quickly shut his book and stood up do that he wasn't in a smaller position compared to hyungwon.

"i'd like to see you say that in front of my daddy." taehyung said then strutted out of the class, leaving a drooling hyungwon at his seat with his eyes shooting invisible lasers at taehyung's butt as he imagined taehyung in bed calling him daddy.



ew @ this chapter. km now please, my head hurts from too much science and i think i'm gonna pass out from too much revision

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