10 : Showing Him

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The following chapter contains explicit material intended for an 18+ audience ONLY

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The following chapter contains explicit material intended for an 18+ audience ONLY.


"Ugh! This place is a Tinder wasteland," Jenna complains. I met her and Emma at our favorite coffee shop near campus to study for an upcoming test. "I can't wait to move."

I laugh but look over to find Emma scrolling through Instagram. "I thought we were here to study," I say to them both.

"I haven't had sex in three months. I can't think straight," Jenna says as she swipes on some matches. She and Emma are beautiful, blond, Midwest natives. Both of them are great classmates but shitty friends. The minute we stop studying together they forget me for their sorority sisters. "You work and study all the time, Penny. You have no time for boys, do you?"

"No, I don't." Like I said, I don't fuck boys, I fuck men.

She sighs heavily. "How you can survive a semester with no sex is beyond me." I don't respond to that.

I flip through my notes and find the passage I needed. "So this says liability would include --"

"Who is this guy on your Instagram?" Emma asks, cutting me off.

"What guy?"

"The one that made you his Woman Crush Wednesday." She turns her phone to show me, but I start to laugh before I see it. I knew it was Mickey. I had made fun of him for doing it, then reposted it like the idiot I am. I watch Emma scroll through his posts, practically drooling as she does, the horny little bitch. "Jesus Christ, he's an Adonis. Do you know him?"


"Like in real life."

"Yeah, in real life," I say unamused.

"Oh wow, really? What's he like?"

"He's really nice."

Emma looks at me, then glares when she realizes I'm not going to tell her anything else. She looks back at her phone and gasps. "Oh my god, it says he's a model slash producer slash adult entertainer." She says the last part with added emphasis. Here we go.

"What?" Jenna gasps. "Why is he all over you?"

I try not to be blunt, but I suck at containing myself. "Because I slept with him."

They both stare at me with their mouths hanging open. "Okay, that's kind of gross," Emma says.

I look at her confused. "Why is that gross?"

"He's a porn star. He's probably had sex with like a million people."

"So? There's this nifty invention called a condom. You might've heard of it." I watch them exchange a glance. I hate it when people can't come out and just say what they're thinking. "You're about to pick a rando on Tinder to do what? Grab a coffee with him? How is that any different?" She rolls her eyes because she knows I have a point. "At least a porn star knows what to do with pussy when he gets it."

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