Bonus : Choosing Him

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The following chapter contains explicit material intended for an 18+ audience ONLY

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The following chapter contains explicit material intended for an 18+ audience ONLY.


The sand is as warm as the weather, such a pleasant change from the Decembers I'm used to. Even as the clouds turn gray above me, the sun shines brightly, the light bouncing off the abundance of stark-white walls of the city. The bright colors mimic the blue of the clear water that sparkles like diamonds. I take it all in, and breathe in the salty air as it ruffles softly through my hair. I am happy to be relaxing in the sunshine on vacation. Finally.

I lie on my stomach on one of the fancy hotel towels, watching our things while Mickey is off somewhere swimming or signing autographs again. His fans are international, apparently. It's a little annoying, but I can't complain. One of his fans upgraded us from an amazing room to ridiculous suite. He makes it so difficult to love him.

It's too bright to nap, so I pull out my phone, planning to take full advantage of our mobile Wi-Fi. Mickey's Tumblr will only be up for another week due to the change in community guidelines. It won't affect him much, but I feel awful for other contributors and artists with smaller followings. I let myself get distracted by the black and white gif of him stroking his beautiful cock. I casually grind myself against the towel and continue to scroll. Maybe it's weird that I still love watching him, but at this point, I've learned to stop questioning what turns me on and just go with it.

A shadow interrupts my sun. I look up towards the clouds, but instead find Mickey staring down at me with a smile. "Hey, baby," he greets me. "Did you miss me?"

Of course I did. "Maybe."

He sits next to me, moving me to share the towel. The water droplets glitter against his bronzed skin, running slowly over his pecs and getting lost in the deep grooves between his abs. He lounges back onto an elbow and runs a hand over his wet hair like he's in a fucking cologne commercial. What a fucking tease. "See something you like?" he asks me.

My eyes snap up to his, but I find him looking down at the phone in my hand, my screen fixed on a gif of Mickey's hips slamming against my ass in an infinite loop. "Oh, uh ... Yeah."

He smiles "I get it. I could stare at your ass all day too." He rubs his palm against my ass then grips it tightly in his hand. I stifle a moan.

"Can we go back to the room yet?" I ask.

He gives me a confused look. "We just got here."

"But I'm horny," I say with a pout.

Mickey chuckles, his hand moving to caress the other cheek. "When are you not?"

"When you have clothes on, far, far away, and I'm not thinking about your beautiful cock."

"So ... never?"

I smile. "Very rarely."

He leans closer and kisses me. His lips move seductively over mine and taste salty like the water. He pulls away far too soon, and I whimper in protest. "How about we stay until it rains? Then we can do some real romantic shit."

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